Burwell Guestbook entries before 2005

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Previous Guestbook Entries (1999 - 2000)

Date: 28/12/2004 11:11:11
Name: tatoo
Email: alex.seier@lycos.com
Own Url: http://www.tatoo-tip.de.pn
This was a great site. I needed to find something for my Homework and This site helped me out so much! Thanx alot!!!!

Date: 23/12/2004 15:22:20
Name: krediteo
Email: molli45@gmx.net
Own Url: http://kredite-ohne-schufa.npx.de
Cool site, I'd say hi and best wishes, and more.........

Date: 20/12/2004 00:46:52
Name: Pam
Email: stormy19942000@yahoo.com
Hi thanks for the web site. My great-grandfather came to America from Burwell in the 1880's. His name was Fred Stevens. Just doing a little research. Thanks you.

Date: 10/12/2004 14:54:23
Name: lauren and barry atkinson
Email: laurenatkinson@msn.com
december, 2004. we have been living in france for one whole year now and enjoying it very much. hello to anybody who remembers us, especially to all the people i served in the co-op for fourteen years. merry xmas to you all. regards. lauren and barry atkinson

Date: 14/11/2004 08:30:01
Name: Jamie Burwell
Email: jamie.burwell@us.army.mil
I was looking up my family name on the net and found out about this wonderful village. I was wondering if there is anyway I can get a copy of that book that you sell about the history of Burwell. I'm an MP in the Army and am stationed in Kosovo right now. I've been all over Europe, except the UK. Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to visit. Your site is awesome! Keep the info comin'!

Date: 12/11/2004 10:47:22
Name: fischer
Email: webmaster@u-rencontre.com
Own Url: http://www.u-rencontre.com
I enjoyed your website, to be continued!

Date: 10/11/2004 12:09:07
Name: Kerry and Thea :)
Email: xoxeye_kandyxox@hotmail.com
Hey we are researching local areas and I told my english teacher about your website

Date: 10/11/2004 03:41:43
Name: Michael L. Burwell
Email: mlburwell@comcast.net
I did a Google search on my family name and the first entry was this site. It would be most interesting to visit this part of England some day. My past visits have been limited to London and Berkshire. Incidentally, I am a U.S. citizen and reside in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minneapolis/St. Paul) in Minnesota. My father's side of the family has resided in the U.S. for generations. I'm not sure what part of England my paternal ancestors came from. It appears to be a rather common name in the UK. I even took notice of a toponym called the Burwell Copse near the village of Wokingham in Berkshire.

Date: 09/11/2004 18:51:44
Name: frank carberry
Email: frankthefish@aol.com
spent most of my wartime chidhood fishing burwell lode,keep promising myself a return,perhaps next year,many happy memories

Date: 21/10/2004 13:29:44
Name: chris gardner
Email: chrisncarrie@westnet.net.au
Anyone who was trying to send an email to my old email adress please note the new one, try again !!!!!

Date: 20/09/2004 19:50:36
Name: Beryl
Email: berylmallett@tiscali.co.uk
Just dicovered your web-site! My interest being that I lived in Burwell for approx;1 year during WW2. My late mother was housekeeper at the Vicarage. Can anybody recall the name of the Canon in residence then? I recall the vicarage very well and a summer garden party there. I attanded the old 2 room school briefly, and the excitement of waving to the military conveys coming thro' the village. These plus many more memories, albiet war-time, are days I fondly recall of Burwell.

Date: 19/08/2004 03:31:24
Name: Julieanna Conte
Email: juliefillner@yahoo.com
My love Sam lives in this lovely village of Burwell. I am an American and I cant wait until I have the opportunity to see it for myself. This is a very informative site. Keep up the good work.

Date: 13/07/2004 04:25:15
Name: Karl Reed
Email: kreed1st@earthlink.net
Hello, to all my friends and family in Burwell. Best wishes and look forward to hopefully seeing you all sometime next year.


Date: 11/07/2004 00:58:11
Name: James Crumbie
Email: trinican733@bellsouth.net
I was stationed at RAF Mildenhall assigned the 513th Consolidated Acft Maintenance squadron from February 1967 to July 1970. (Sgt. USAF) I really miss england. I enjoyed my tour of duty and your country.

Date: 10/07/2004 04:24:33
Name: Marie Speck
Email: cressonpen@aol.com
My daughter and her husband were stationed in England from 1982-85. The lived in Burwell for about 1 year before moving to Mildenhall Air Force Base. They lived in a section of the big house just behind the church and cemetary. I visited there for a month and fell in love with your beautiful little villiage. I think of it often and long to go back.

Date: 30/06/2004 18:07:49
Name: LIZ
Email: liz.2-beth@tiscali.co.uk
Hi, in the mid 80's in lived in Newmarket, but my best friend lived in Burwell (Gail Rogerson) so I spent many a day in Burwell and loved it. I am now trying to track down a lad I worked with in Newmarket, who went to work (factory) and lived in Burwell. I and a friend Nic are coming to Newmarket in August and would love to meet up with him if he is still in the Burwell area. Any info please e-mail me. Thanks.

Date: 21/05/2004 14:43:44
Name: Carol Brown
Email: carol.brown3@tesco.net
I have just begun researching my family history, and my grandfather was Charles Fletcher, born in Burwell in 1892. He had 7 sisters (4 names we know are Rose,Ada, Mary & Lily) & a brother,George.The family lived at Bedlam Yard 6.

Date: 04/05/2004 10:16:29
Name: Ann McClean
Email: palmer@ann-mcclean.mid-wales.n
Own Url: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~cawthorn/
Searching for PALMERs in Burwell and district, as my Gt Gt Grandfather's family lived in the area for a few hundred years prior to the 1880s; there must be many PALMERs still in the area who are descended from the same family. Please see my website:
For ref: I also admin. the PALMER_East Anglia Mailing List on Rootsweb.

Date: 29/04/2004 12:32:36
Name: will jarvis
Email: will1@hotmail.com
i live on the swaffham road and i need some interesting facts on burwell for a school project could somebody please email me with something interesting please.

Date: 24/04/2004 17:43:15
Name: Paul Haley
Email: paul.haley2@ntlworld.com
Liked the website, love the village. So, come on Wicketts...when is the Beer Festival???

Date: 07/04/2004 09:16:05
Name: Sam
Email: sam@pis.uk.net
Own Url: http://www.pis.uk.net
Hi...i found you via a search engine. i had a look around and i just wanted to say you have a cool website :0)

Date: 26/02/2004 04:14:42
Name: PBS Kids News
Email: kidz@computer-kidz.com
Own Url: http://www.computer-kidz.com/
We need more quality kids educational and news sites such as this! Pls keep up the good work.

Date: 20/02/2004 16:23:02
Name: Charles Coombs
Email: charlescoombs@yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.virginiawoolfusa.com
What a charming website! That is not news, but it's still true. In age of increasing fragmentation you have accomplished friendliness and community. I plan to be in Cambridge April 1 -27 as an independent scholar. I will visit your community because of your user friendly website.
Thank you!

Date: 09/02/2004 14:11:32
Name: Marcia R. Burwell
Email: mrburwell1@excite.com
I recently found out from my mother-in-law, that there is a Burwell,England. My husband's grandfather, Henry Joseph Burwell, was born and raised in Laughing Image Corner, Great Yarmouth. Is that anywhere Burwell? I have more detailed info on him, so, I will be back.

Date: 06/02/2004 08:59:48
Name: Shaun
Email: voteBTnow@vbtn.com
Own Url: voteBTnow.com
I have just registered my interest in Broadband for Burwell at the BTOpen website, which makes me voter 207 towards our trigger number of 500. It took a minute to do, I simply typed in my name, address, BT phone number and an email address so I can be informed when enough people have voted, and again to indicate a date when the telephone exchange is to be upgraded.

Since Bob's post in the Forum in Nov 2003, an additional 35 people have voted, not bad for a couple of months. It only takes 500 villagers to show an interest and we will automatically be upgraded to Broadband, making the Internet faster, more accessible, and freeing the home telephone line for incoming calls.

I would encourage Burwellians to press this issue forward: have a word with your family members, friends and neighbours! Let's vote for Burwell!

vote at: http://www.btopenworld.com/broadband/reg10

Date: 15/12/2003 12:25:56
Name: Jay Challis
Email: Jcback999.@hotmail.com
Hi to every one in burwell, especially to debbie and sam Harrison.

Date: 11/12/2003 13:18:24
Name: Dave N Astell
Email: davearbersearch@fsmail.net
Own Url: http://mysite.freeserve.com/Arber/
Change of E-mail address to my last posting. My ancestors, ARBER, left Burwell in about 1860 for north London, the last one born there was George Arber in 1844. Any information on the family, no matter how small, very welcome.

Date: 09/12/2003 14:37:52
Name: Alison Murphy
Email: atyour.service@virgin.net
Just A wee note, calling SYLVIA CARPENTER, (as I knew you)
My computer was infested, I have a new e-mail address, please contact.
Bye for now

Date: 11/10/2003 9:51:25 PM
Name: John
Email: J.Bridgeman@BTInternet.Com
Own Url: See http://www.j.bridgeman.btinternet.co.uk/ghtout
I am trying to trace my ancestors in Burwell. I am interested in the Bridgeman's & the Jennings about 1770 & back. Does anybody have a mutural interest..

Regards John

Date: 04/10/2003 17:29:56
Name: Carole Palmer
Email: caroleannepalmer@btinternet.co
Researching family history. The Palmers of Burwell, who
left for Rawtenstall, Lancashire in the late 19th century. Are there any Palmers still in Burwell who are related to this family? Maria Da Silva and Stephen Palmer were my great great great grandparents.

Date: 21/09/2003 18:19:55
Name: yanni
Email: yanni@hotmail.com
Own Url: http://sonnerie-sonneries.org
thanks for your nice website, i'll back soon.

Date: 12/09/2003 15:42:41
Name: Jeff Burwell
Email: jcburwell@msn.com
This site is cool. Nice to know there is a city named after my wonderful family name.

Date: 20/08/2003 18:15:54
Name: rough
Email: contact@easyresidence.com
Own Url: http://www.easyresidence.com
I especially enjoy your site,
greets Colin

Date: 19/08/2003 12:26:42
Name: maurin
Email: webmaster@sonnerie-sonneries.net
Own Url: http://www.sonnerie-sonneries.net
your site is great, i'll come back.

Date: 13/08/2003 17:17:23
Name: LOVE
Email: Panio@aol.com
Own Url: http://www.mylinea.com/igor100
Great site

Date: 12/08/2003 05:17:34
Name: lilikhh
Email: stietrisakti@yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.lilikhh.com
Cool Site ^_^v

Date: 29/07/2003 20:54:46
Name: Caroline
Email: tilburycm@netscape.net
Own Url: http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~cmtilbury
Loved Burwell as a child. Burwell family tree and some photos on my rootsweb site URL above. Like to contact members of Jennings family of Parsonage Lane 1930-1950. Also Chapmans and Fullers. Have more photos I cannot display without descendants' persmission, also would like to know who the people were and transmit to their families if interested. (1935-36)

Date: 05/07/2003 04:21:54
Name: maga uche
Email: maga@maga.com
good site

Date: 26/06/2003 05:29:25
Name: Terry Hennessy(Jett)
Email: thennessy@earthlink.net
I lived in Burwell in the late 1990 and early 1991 months. We lived on High street in a lovely home owned by Peter and John. My daughter, Aimee, went to school held in the old church at the end of town. I believe Mrs. Crouch was the headmistress of the school. We returned to the California with such fond memories of England, its people and of our home in Burwell. Hope to return someday.

Date: 21/06/2003 09:58:54
Name: cheap flights airline tickets airfares
Email: johngeorge77@netscape.net
Own Url: http://www.cheapflightselect.com/
I really enjoyed your site. Thanks

Date: 06/05/2003 12:12:24
Name: Oli, Gemma and Luci
Email: holybob@hotmail.com
Very good site. Much info for school project! Cheers. PS Bottisham is way better than Soham!

Date: 25/04/2003 12:04:38
Name: SaraH Hasler
Email: sarah@unrealcreations.co.uk
Own Url: http://takeoff.to/webusersurvey
I feel proud to live in a community with such a user friendly website! Sounds silly right? Well, I'm at Anglia Polytechnic University studying Computer Science and currently conducting research for my project and thought if I put a link on the community website I might attract a few people to fill in the questionaire on my website! If you have a few minutes please take a look, I'd be very grateful!

Date: 21/04/2003 11:22:32
Name: spice cottage
Email: a.begum@btinternet.com
Hello every1 at Burwell, we would like to thank all the village, we have opened a new restaurant here and it has been very wonderfull. Hope you all like the food! If there's anything we can change or do plz lets us know on the email add above.. Thank you very much from everyone at Spice Cottage :)

Date: 4/10/2003 3:54:57 PM
Name: Steve
Email: Steve@pkv2.de
Own Url: http://www.links-private-krankenversicherung.de
I really enjoyed surfing your website. Please also visit my site.
Greetings Steve

Date: 3/24/2003 9:38:44 PM
Name: James R. Helm
Email: helmphoto@msn.com
Own Url: www.helmphoto.com
Hello! Enjoyed the website very much and miss your country too. Jim Helm (RAF Mildenhall 1968-1970)

Date: 2/28/2003 11:51:13 PM
Name: Gary W. MCNALLY
Email: flightline01@hotmail.com
Hello to Mary Ridgeon who might still be living in Burwell. Mary if you get this I am okay and miss those days based @ RAF Mildenhall. I remember Jerry, Parky, Follette, Glocke, Berkebile, and many many others. I am doing okay. Am a First Lieutenant for the USAF civil air patrol helping the cadets make it. Have remarried, 3rd time a charm I hope. I hope Bob and family are okay. I lived @ 2 New Path Fordham June 76 to 77. Thanks for all Mary! Cheers Burwell!

Date: 2/28/2003 12:05:34 PM
Name: jan
Email: webmaster@octopage.de
Own Url: http://www.octopage.de
nice page

Date: 2/22/2003 4:20:29 AM
Name: Samantha Williams
Email: willsamantha4@yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.e-flight.biz
Thank you for this site and greetings from London!

Date: 2/6/2003 12:13:46 AM
Name: Matt
Email: matt3@hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.gsmsupply.co.uk
Excellent website, well designed and easy to navigate.

Date: 1/23/2003 4:10:14 AM
Name: GoIN On HeAvY
Email: uthinkurheavyblud@booooo.co.uk
Oi U manz comin on here thinkin ur heavy,ya get me.givin beef over skool u chi chi manz!! booooooooooo

Date: 1/10/2003 2:23:28 PM
Name: ann briggs
Email: annsbriggs@yahoo.co.uk
hello paul harvey, usa,just seen your message on burwell guest book,hi to nancy,i still live at no8 mandeville,would love to hear from you,my access to email is at the library where i work, or at belinda's her address is brevell74@yahoo.com

Date: 1/3/2003 4:03:21 PM
Name: me
Email: coolcrazer@hotmail.com
yeh liam some one was sayin bottisham succked so i was just puttin them strate!!!he he he n e ways we r at skool ryt now talkin 2 u!! english is soo borin!!n e ways message us back!c u l8r

Date: 12/19/2002 10:31:17 PM
Name: me
Email: rossy123@hotmail.com
Own Url: www.dfgauliduiadhgao8.cm
caz wot r u on, lol, bottisham is props beta than soham o well its only skool lol,

Date: 12/11/2002 9:35:51 AM
Name: me
Email: coolcrazer@hotmail.com
Bottisham skool rules soham suck! so shut it!

Date: 11/29/2002 7:51:05 PM
Name: ???
Email: Fogg_man@hotmail.com
website is alrite could be better. Bottisham school rly suks, soham rocks!!!!!

Date: 11/18/2002 9:33:53 AM
Name: James
Email: free7go@yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.uk-loans-mortgages.com/
Very interesting site and content. I just surfed in. Cheers

Date: 11/8/2002 1:26:34 PM
Name: A. Tegala
Email: ah.tegala@virgin.net
I think that this site is great, but I would like to see more (recent) photos.


Date: 11/8/2002 12:07:41 AM
Name: Pat
Email: PADutton@aol.com
A very comprehensive and impressive web site. I shall visit it often. Thank you, and well done!

Date: 10/7/2002 9:12:44 PM
Email: flightline01@hotmail.com
Hello anyone! Trying to contact Mary/Bob Ridgeon hopefully still living in Burwell. I worked with Mary while based at RAF Mildenhall. I know she would appreciate someone calling her about this email. My telephone number USA 317-357-1419. Burwell is as beautiful as last seen 1984. Cheers.

Date: 9/13/2002 3:01:15 PM
Name: chris gardner
Email: chrisncarrie@ozemail.com.au
Gday to anyone who remembers me...Where are people like johnathen king,jim [from the caravan park],sparkey,louise hurst,dawn glenny,micheal bowen?geez how did i remember those names.i was born and raised in burwell,moved to london at about 11,now live in western australia. if you know any off these people or remember me or my brother paul please get in touch.

Date: 9/4/2002 8:21:21 AM
Name: Kim
Email: kim.westbrook@lineone.net
To Holly & Jessica's parents -
No words can change what has happened, but my thoughts and prayers are with you at this tragic time.
God Bless You All.

Date: 8/22/2002 8:31:45 PM
Name: jodie
Email: megzdean@aol.com
To the girls parents-
your daughters were 2 absolutely beautiful girs and you were so lucky to have them. My heart goes out to you......I feel so sorry for the families and friends of the girls. God bless u all. xxx

Date: 8/3/2002 8:24:31 AM
Name: Ian
Email: ian@south-online.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.south-online.co.uk
My wife was born in Burwell, great website I'll past your details over to her thanx

Date: 7/26/2002 12:50:57 PM
Name: claire rouse
Email: madhatter2001@uboot.com
I was born in Burwell and lived there for many of years, I attented the local school there, and left in 1991 where I went onto Bottisham village colleg. I still have family and friens in in Burwell but lost contact when I moved down to Luton, any one out there remember me pls get in contact

Date: 6/29/2002 12:20:14 AM
Name: Alison and Laorag
Email: alison.barnes@ntu.ac.uk
We are trying to get in touch with Adam King, who used to live in East Burwell, and attended Roger Ascham School in Cambridge. Anyone know how we can contact him?

Date: 4/20/2002 2:08:27 PM
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum@hotmail.com
Own Url: http://mysite.freeserve.com/burwell_museum
As part of BBC Heritage Open Day, this Sunday (21st April) , Burwell Museum will be open from 11:00am and close at the usual time of 5:00pm. For more information about the museum please visit our website at http://mysite.freeserve.com/burwell_museum

Date: 4/3/2002 1:56:55 PM
Name: Glenda Peacock
Email: OhBeans@aol.com
My name is Glenda Lucas formerly Peacock. I went to school at Burwell Secondary School from 1958 until 1963. I currently live in Florida. I am looking for old classmates of mine, Jane Winkworth and Mavi Cranfield, or any one else who might remember me. My e-mail address is OhBeans@AOL.com

Date: 3/19/2002 1:44:07 PM
Name: ur destiny
Email: i love u@www.no website.co.uk
Own Url: hjkjk
hi kim its speechless ur village rocks maybe u can show me round it some time

Date: 3/5/2002 3:08:35 PM
Name: Webmaster
Email: BurwellBansin@Europe.com
Own Url: http://here.at/BurwellBansin
Check out our site
Link can also be found on the clubssocs asp page!

Date: 2/22/2002 4:22:35 AM
Name: EIleen Ware
Email: frum@surewest.net
Hi, Love the website and looking for names that I know. I left Burwell in '74 and now live in California. Would love to hear from anybody who went to primary school at St. Andrews or later the Village College. 1955 onwards. Hi Bridge, I remember those stacks too.

Date: 2/12/2002 10:07:43 PM
Name: Terri
Email: terri@ellenweston.freeserve.co
Is there any one in Burwell that could help me with my research on my family tree? It has come to light that my family cme from Burwell, they where baptised in the village church. As I live in Devon it is difficult for me to look stuff up. Can any one help???

Date: 2/11/2002 6:03:48 PM
Name: ????oldyr6????
Email: ????@????.???
Own Url: ??????????????????

Date: 1/29/2002 3:09:41 PM
Name: Joanna
Email: Joanna@heselwood.fsbusiness.co
HiWebmaster - using ur site to teach a friend the internet

Date: 1/14/2002 8:38:16 AM
Name: NDaniel
Email: firmblvr@attbi.com
Here I am after midnight going through your website, reminiscing about the time when I was a young wife of a USAF member. We lived on Granchester Rise in a small apt in 1973 until we moved to Lakenheath air base. I worked for a few months at a paper mill in Burwell, the name of which escapes me. I was still a Dutch citizen and was able to work on the local economy; worked with some friendly folks there. You have a nice website.

Date: 1/6/2002 3:42:28 PM
Name: uggie
Email: uggiebutt@aol.com
getting 2 big 4 its own good

Date: 12/20/2001 6:22:14 PM
Name: Andrew White
Email: smcneil@esu10.com
No comments right now

Date: 12/18/2001 12:14:27 PM
Name: Eni
Email: eni980@hotmail.com
It was a nice suprise to come accross Burwell's website. I visited it often as my a friend of mine lives there with his family. I must say that the village is lovely and the people are great too. Big hello to Mark, Polly and Ian.

Date: 12/16/2001 8:57:59 PM
Name: Tom
Email: aje@raketnet.nl
Own Url: http://www.feestinzeist.tmfweb.nl
Very cool site with many interesting branches and links. By the way I am searching the address of : Gary & Jan Hoekstra from Tauranga. Who can help me????? Gary is from Holland !!! Seasons Greetings Everyone

Date: 12/13/2001 7:10:10 PM
Name: cas
Email: coolcrazer@hotmail.com
hi everyone @ burwell skool i left there a term ago and now im in yr7 @ bottisham i would like 2 say hi 2 jim , jade , and grace as they r my m8s!!! its me ca**ie!!hi! i hope mrs.garland is ok and mrs.edwards as they were the nisist !! well wat i new off them!!! i hope mrs.welshs baby is o.k and im hoping its wearing my little irish shoes i gave him!!! well hope 2 c u all soon luv and kisses ca**ie starsmore.

Date: 12/3/2001 1:14:51 AM
Name: bob ammon
Email: rammon0@dingoblue.net.au
just a line to say i like your site and visit it often. i worked for brown's of burwell back in the 60's, and was wondering if they still had the coal yards going. maybe someone has a recent photo. its good to visit the old town it don't look like its changed much looking at the ariel shots on multimap. well bye to all and thank you for taking the time to read this regard bob

Date: 11/19/2001 10:55:00 AM
Name: Dave N. Astell
Email: dave@arbersearch.fsnet.co.uk
I am researching the Arber family who lived at Burwell from at least the mid 1600 until the 1920s. My own branch left for North London in about 1860. Any information on this name at Burwell very welcome.
Many thanks to the folk at the Museum who were most helpful to my wife and I on our recent visit.

Date: 11/15/2001 10:02:31 AM
Name: Rachel Taylor
Email: terminalyoungthing@hotmail.com
hi, i left burwell in 1993, when i was 9. i went to the village college and i'd really like to get in touch with some of the people i knew. if anyone knows Jessie Simpson Nicholl or if she has an email address could you please mail me. and if anyone else remembers me email me too.

Date: 10/31/2001 6:30:57 PM
Name: Todd Orcutt
Email: toddhawkwind@yahoo.com USA
Hello all!! Lived in Burwell in the early 80's with my then wife Janet Taylor. She worked at the local CO-OP as a checker. have two wonderful kids with her, Craig and Kelly. Just hoping they might read this and get in touch with me. I divorced and returned to America and lost all touch with them all. Love you guys. Bye and good luck to all!!!

Date: 10/24/2001 7:23:43 PM
Name: Sarah
Email: stephenh@sands5.freeserve.co.u
Juniors Showtime presents another of its fabulous concerts in aid of Burwell Day Centre on Saturday the 24th of November. Tickets are available from 97 Ness Road Burwell. A great night for all!

Date: 10/7/2001 11:58:59 PM
Name: Harley H Fields
Email: sgtfields@earthlink.net
I lived in this little village when I was stationee at Lakenheath airbase in the mid seventies and had a great time there. I had several friends at the pub called the Ancor Green. Just before I left there I left a trophy for them to play for each year, I hope they are still playing for it. I hope that everyone in the village is well and if any of you remember me send me an e-mail

Date: 10/7/2001 1:50:08 PM
Name: Julian Beirne
Email: j.beirne@easynet.co.uk
Own Url: www.comphot.co.uk
Greetings friends of Burwell. I lived in Burwell from 1966 - 1975 when I joined the Army. email me if I beat up your brother or dated your sister during my time in this peaceful village. :-)

Date: 9/19/2001 3:38:42 PM
Name: Steve Nail
Email: forsbrookvillage@btinternet.co
Own Url: http://www.btinternet.com/~forsbrookvillage/
Great site, well worth stopping by, will call back soon, found your site from villagesonline

Date: 8/30/2001 11:30:01 AM
Name: Chris Fidler
Email: chris.fidler@ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://communities.msn.co/uk/verysexychrismale/sho
I lived in Burwell 14 years ago in Newnham Lane, i went to Burwell Primary School and the Village College. My parents are still there and most people who have been in Burwell a while know them. If you want to contact me my e-mail is chris.fidler@ntlworld.com. my homepage is http://communities.msn.co/uk/verysexychrismale/shoebox.msn

Date: 8/27/2001 12:26:32 AM
Name: Edna Baker
Email: Fentiger@webtv.net
Just browsing your site,and was reminded of an incident a few years back here in Sacramento California. My sister was over for a visit and we were at The Touch of Britian for Lunch (ToB) English tea room, there is a guest book to sign unfortunately for a gentleman boasting that no-one have ever heard of the villiage he had lived in, my sister and I both said Burwell, we quite spoiled his thunder poor thing, I have no idea how many years he had been boasting. My sister used to live in Burwell, our brother married a Burwell girl, and I used to work at Tillitsons. Regards EB formerly of Soham

Date: 8/25/2001 12:20:05 PM
Name: Richard
Email: rnw1977@hotmail.com
I've just moved into The Old School in Burwell, I've been here a month now and keep hearing rumours of a tunnel that used to link the school to the church!. This information has come from several sources and any further information would be greatfully recieved! Richard

Date: 8/15/2001 8:54:13 PM
Name: Alison Murphy
Email: a.murphy10@ntlworld.com
My name is Alison Murphy, I lived in Ness Rd. until 1976, when my family moved to Milton Keynes, I now live in Glasgow with my own family, I would love it if my old school friends could get in touch, Jane Osborne, Sylvia Carpenter, Helen Ridgeon, Julian Newton, Simon Airey, etc, I was recently back for a visit, Oh how things change, Junior school gone to make way for MORE HOUSES, such a shame. Great site, Oh anyone else who may remember me, heres hoping, thanks.

Date: 8/2/2001 6:05:39 PM
Name: Hugh Issett of wetterfield.com
Email: admin@wetterfield.com
Own Url: http://www.wetterfield.com
Terrific piece of village webbery you have set up here. Really attractive and easy to navigate. Well done!

Date: 8/1/2001 10:31:05 PM
Name: Rob Sowerby
Email: Rob@sowerby.freeserve.co.uk
Has anybody got a copy of a programme for the Bank Holiday Motorbike Scrambling on Spring Close from the 50's. An old fella I play golf with, Eric Mitchell used to ride there when he worked for Hallens in Cambridge. He's not too well at present and it would cheer him up no end to see his name in print. I'll happily pay for photocopying and postage. I can be contacted at Rob@sowerby.freeserve.co.uk or on 01202 (Poole) 461467. Thanks

Date: 7/31/2001 4:15:37 AM
Name: Bill MacKenzie
Email: dillnbee@yahoo.com
My aunt, Betty Clark, lived in Burwell,also my aunt Mary,and I believe my Grandmother Elizabeth MacKenzie died there, in the early sixties. I think my cousin Veronica may still be there, maiden name Clark, she had two daughters, I only remember one of them, Petula [Tula]. Veronicas husband was Jo?

Date: 7/29/2001 2:29:03 AM
Name: Bert and Gwen Martin
Email: lousie@wave.co.nz
We lived at High Street Burwell from 1945-1952. We would love to hear from any of our old friends in the village,from that time. Anyone who knew of Dot Granger, Florence Warren, Ephraim Warren we would love to hear from you.

Date: 16/07/2001 23:49:34
Name: Bob Ammon
Email: rammon0@dingoblue.net.au
Own Url: http://rammon.freeyellow.com
I'm looking for a Robert Avis. he used to live in the avenue of ness rd. i lost touch with him when i moved to australia, if any one knows of him you can email me on the address at top - thank you

Date: 10/07/2001 19:35:12
Name: Brian G. Burwell
Email: beburwell@yahoo.com
Own Url: NEVE.com
I was looking up my last name and I found this page
I am a Drummer in a band in the USA called NEVE.
Love the look and name of the town
NEVE.com If you would like to see what a burwell looks

Date: 5/28/2001 1:54:39 AM
Name: Bob Ammon
Email: rammon@one.net.au
Own Url: http://rammon.freeyellow.com
I was brought up in Burwell in the early to late 60's. I started my first job at Browns of Burwell as an apprentist mechanic. I now live in Australia, just looking around and found your site its very informative. If anyone remembers the surname I would like to hear from you.

Date: 5/2/2001 10:38:11 PM
Name: Matt Jones
Email: JonesyM@uboot.com
This sort of resource really adds value to local business efforts, property interest, local information -but- (more importantly) gets back to what a community is all about. A group of people linked by where they live - trying to make it a better place for everyone. Good job you lot.

Date: 4/28/2001 6:12:40 AM
Name: CynthiaG.Burwell-Campbell
Email: Chubbycheek46503@Gateway.Net
Hi, I was glad to see that there is a Burwell NetPage Where I live in the states there are not many Burwells in my area, other then my Family and very few of us in this area.I live in Ohio.So,it would be nice to here from some other Burwells.Talk to you later! Cynthia G.Burwell-

Date: 4/18/2001 2:09:07 PM
Name: vix
Email: lippie77@hotmail.com
hey fello burwellians!!!! just seeing how we're doing in the website area! i ave my own website @ da moment but the server is down so once its bac up agen i will post the url! hey everyone and all da teachers @ burwell village college, 3 years ago i was there and terarizin the teachers! its vicky patterson. hope 2 c u all soon! xxxxxx luv vicky

Date: 4/14/2001 9:35:45 AM
Name: John Foster
Email: john_foster@ntlworld.com
My connection with Burwell is that I have close friends living here. Paul & Jayne Davies whom I met at a family wedding. Paul worked with my late brother Mick in the Cambridgeshire Constabulary. I myself live with my wife and three children at South Anston nr Sheffield. You have a lovely village.

Date: 4/3/2001 7:18:16 PM
Name: Bridget Dean (Ware)
Email: bridgetdean@mindspring.com
Loved the website. It brought back some fond memories. I am living in Houston Texas now and it was nice to see some photos of home.
I think I remember you Paul Smith. I was at the same schools during the same time.
Also Marj Rayner are you any relation to the Rayners from Ness Road and later the Brickyard. Talking of the Brickyard, I still remember those old chimney stacks.

Date: 14/03/2001 15:32:30
Name: Marjorie & Malcolm Rayner
Email: julie.rayner@sympatico.ca
Hi to all our old friends in Burwell, we lived in Spring Close for 30 years and emigrated to Canada in Oct. 1998. Our daughter Tracey (she went to the village schools and Newmarket Upper) has lived in Mexico for over three years and recently got married there. For anyone who maybe interested and would like to see some photos, please visit the website rayner1.hypermart.net. We are always pleased to hear of news from the Burwell area. Best wishes to all, Malc. & Marjie.

Date: 07/03/2001 05:05:37
Name: Betty Butler
Email: bettyb@freeway.net
My Father-in-law was born in Burwell in 1890. He was the only one of his immediate family to come to the US. His name was Aubrey Butler and he left Burwell about 1908-09. Enjoy looking at the village, although I am sure it's changed a lot since then I have acouple of postcards to sendas soon as I locate them!

Date: 20/02/01 19:54:53
Name: Nick Peavot
Email: nicholaspeavot@aol.com
It is nice to see the old village from abroad.

Date: 18/02/01 23:38:06
Name: webmaster
Email: burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwell.co.uk
This guestbook is moderated. Entries containing bad language etc. will be removed. Any constructive criticism is tolerated.

Burwell at Large Poster
Médecins Sans Frontières
MSF Web Site
Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Disasters Emergency Committee Logo
Red Cross Appeal
Area Photos
Burwell Lode Bridge
Burwell - St Mary's Church
Burwell Windmill
Burwell Lode
Village News
20mph Update Parish Council

UK's biggest solar farm approved for east of England (Click on image for larger version)
Proposed Solar Farm
Latest Proposals
Project and
Current Status

Millstone Park Housing Development
(350 new homes)
Linden Homes
Web Site

Planning Docs
This Land
Express Concerns

BBC News
Academic trolled for PhD gets literary agents
Dr Ally Louks says she has "relished the opportunity" to prove the value of her work to sceptics.
Last pitch to government for rail junction upgrades
Scores of politicians and business leaders appeal for money to improve junctions at Ely and Haughley.
Goalball championship held in England for first time
The sport was originally developed in the 1940s to aid soldiers returning from war with eye injuries.
East of England news quiz of the week
How many questions can you get right?
Rare coins stolen as thieves hit shop twice in day
About £40,000 worth of rare coins are believed to have been stolen in the two raids.
Extra 68,000 urgent dentist appointments announced
The government says the appointments will put an end to 'DIY dentistry'.
Labour selects candidate to run for mayor
Anna Smith, a former leader of Cambridge City Council, will represent Labour in May's election
Mental health crisis service needs improvement
Rating for service run by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust declined from good.
Story festival to help children understand world
The organisers are aiming to develop communication and literacy skills through everyday tales.
In pictures: Early spring flowers in bloom in East
The East of England could experience hotter weather than Greece at the weekend.
Speeding driver jailed over pedestrian's death
He struck a man crossing a road as he drove at "excessive speeds" in a residential area, police say.

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