Burwell Notice Board Archive (2007 and earlier)

To see current Notices and to leave a new notice go here

Date: 13/12/2007 00:58:05
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Minden Band of the Queen's Division - Christmas Concert
The finest of Christmas music set to the poignent words of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", capturing the essence of his Christmas message "Goodwill to All".
Thursday 20th December 2007
St Mary's Church, Burwell.
Tickets (£10) available from Burwell Post Office and Tina's, North Street, Burwell (next to the Co-Op), Margaret from the Friends of Burwell Museum (Phone 01638 741705) or pay on the door.

All proceeds are shared between the Royal Anglian Memorial Fund and the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Further information and tickets available from Margaret from the Friends. Phone 01638 741705

Date: 10/12/2007 10:55:23
Name: Graham Challlis
Email: gchallis1 AT aol.com
Own Url: http://
Have your guttering cleared and cleaned ready for the winter
Competitive price
Call or email for a quote

Date: 23/11/2007 19:14:58
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Saturday 1st December. 10am-1pm
Christmas Coffee Morning, at Burwell Ex-Service & Social Club. Free admission.
Tea & Coffee. Cakes. Tombola. Draw. Christmas Bric-a-Brac.
Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 09/11/2007 18:19:30
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 18th November 10:30am - 4:30pm
Burwell Village College (Primary)
Admission Charge : Adults £1, Children Free.
Over 30 quality stalls (commercial and non-commercial) selling a wide range of craft items.
Sign-posted in local area. Free car parking. Refreshments - Hot & cold drinks, home made cakes etc. Raffle. Museum souvenirs.
Ideal for some Christmas shopping!
Stall Bookings still being taken.
If you would like to have a stall of your own at our 2007 Fair, or require further information, please phone (01638 741831) or email (craft.fair@burwellmuseum.org.uk) our Craft Fair organiser, Frances Daniels. She will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our charges are very competitive and all profits go to the Museum (Reg. Charity 290431).
The 2006 Craft Fair was fully booked. To be in with the best chance of getting a place book your stall well in advance.
The full address of Burwell Village College is:
Burwell Village College (Primary)
The Causeway
CB25 0DX
Please do not contact the school about the Craft Fair

Date: 15/10/2007 19:57:04
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Friday 19th October. 8-11pm. 60's Dance. With "The Strays". At Burwell Village College.Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Saturday 20th October 2007. Book Sale. 10am-3pm Buntings Path, Burwell.Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Sunday 21st October 2007. "An Autumn Miscellany". 12-5pm. At the Museum.
Thursday 25th October 2007. Children's Activity Day - Clay Workshop (free admission). 2-5pm. At the Museum.
For further details of the above events please visit the Burwell Museum website at www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 27/09/2007 01:35:33
Name: The Anchor Pub
Email: info AT the-anchor-burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.the-anchor-burwell.co.uk
29th September Kareoke 8pm - 12am
6th October Live music with Lurcher 8pm - 12am
13th October Live Music with Phil Crawford
20th october Karoake 8pm 12am

Date: 23/09/2007 14:08:58
Name: Mark
Email: mark.denny AT virgin.net
Own Url: http://
Garage Sale Sunday 30th September 2007

9am - 2pm

at 95 North Street, Burwell

Lots of great bargains - even a kitchen sink (ceramic)!

Date: 21/09/2007 11:23:04
Name: Laura
Email: momjake2 AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Dogwalking services available.Can do mid-day,evening & weekend walks. Please email me if you need your dog walked. Competitive prices & multi-dog discounts

Date: 03/09/2007 21:23:49
Name: Emma Downey
Email: e.walker379 AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
NEW! Calling All Virgins!

Ladies….enjoy a night in with Virgin Vie At Home!

Hold your own Party and invite all your friends! With so much gorgeous Jewellery, Cosmetics and Homeware to choose from, You’ll wish you had become a Virgin years ago! So for a great girl’s night in……

Call Emma Downey on 01638 781601

For further details on booking a party, or becoming a part time or full time consultant please phone:
Emma Downey on 01638 781601 or email: e.walker379@btinternet.com

Date: 01/09/2007 16:21:55
Name: Vicki
Email: ladyvictoriamoore AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
I have recently moved to Fordham and it appears that website does not work so this is the next best one. I wanted to know of any classes or activates that go on in Fordham for either me or my 13 month old daughter as I would like to get to know people in my new village.

Date: 22/08/2007 23:23:34
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum Hornby Model Railway Weekend - Sun 26th & Mon 27th August.
Vintage Model Railways running Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday.
Clockwork and electric.
Original track & rolling stock.
At least 4 large layouts running.
Please see our website for details and photos.

Date: 10/08/2007 19:51:28
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
This will be our 4th "Dad's Army Day" and is likely to be our biggest and best yet!
Featuring WW2 vehicles, costumes, artefacts and period displays. Also interactive 'living history' re-enactments by "Norfolk Home Guard" featuring around 15-20 actors.
The Home Guard
Civil Defence
Women's Land Army
Women's Voluntary Service
Period Vehicles and bicycles
1940's Hairstylist and Make Up Artist
War Photographers and Correspondents
1940's Style Fete
Why not come dressed 1940's style yourself? If you do you might even get your photo on the website!
Look out for the vintage bicycles being ridden around the village sometime during early afternoon! They will start and finish the ride at the museum.
There will be so much to see and do we will be open for 6 hours instead of the usual 3!
EXTENDED OPENING - 11am to 5pm
SPECIAL ADMISSION CHARGES : Adults £3. Children £1
If you have a World War 2 (or earlier) vehicle of your own and would like to show it on the day please contact Terri on 01638 742506.

Date: 31/07/2007 21:48:00
Name: Mark Booth
Email: admin AT matangini.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.matangini.org.uk
'The Wonderful World of Joseph McCrumble' is now in stock at Burwell post office. This 284 page paperback charts the adventures of the eponymous hero, his friends and colleagues at the Cumbernauld Instiute of Parasitology - a research institute located nowhere near the Scottish town of Cumbernauld. Follow McCrumble as he battles against increasingly difficult circumstances with almost unfailing optimism. Be prepared to laugh and cry as things start to unravel, and McCrumble's life starts to, er, crumble. Life in the McCrumble household is never dull, but will it all end in tears?

RRP £7.99

All Author Royalties from the book are being given to the Matangini Project (www.matangini.org.uk) - a development project within the registered charity Stand Up for Africa (no 1102273).

Date: 24/07/2007 23:11:38
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 29th July 2007, 2-5pm.
Museum Fête.
The annual summer fête organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Stalls and games. Fun for all the family.
Prize draw with BIG prizes.
Draw Tickets will be on sale during the fête.
Most of the prizes will be on display and will be available for the winners to take away (where possible).
Winners not present at the fête will be contacted by phone shortly after the draw to arrange delivery of prizes.
A full list of winners will be posted on the News page of the Museum website shortly after the draw.
All the stalls will be run by the Friends so all the money taken will go to the Museum. No commercial stalls. Please do not enquire about having a stall.
Donations of prizes for the raffle or any other Museum draw would be most welcome.

Refreshments Stall with hot & cold drinks and home-made cakes available today.
Check the Gallery section of the Museum website regularly as the photos & videos of this year's fête will appear a few days later.

Date: 15/06/2007 20:47:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Children's Activity Days at Burwell Museum on Thursday afternoons in August and the October Half term holiday will now go ahead as funding has been confirmed today (15th June).
The activities for each day will be announced soon - keep checking the Burwell Museum website ( www.burwellmuseum.org.uk ).
This year, as last year, admission will be FREE for ALL visitors.

Date: 07/06/2007 10:47:08
Name: Ashleigh Cooper
Email: ashleigh.cooper1 AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
New freelance qualified instructor starting soon in Burwell taking waiting list now.
*Teaching on your own horse or on ours
*Audlts and children welcome-Any level of experience
*Breaking and schooling,problems tackled
(cost dependent on need after assessment)
*Best prices in the area
EG Private-half hour-£15.00 - whole hour£25.00
semi private(2-3)-half hour £13.00 hour £18.00
Group(4-6)half hour -£10.00 hour £15.00
*For further information call Ashleigh on
07962 272 782 or 01638 615741

Date: 05/06/2007 21:44:27
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 10th June 2007. SUMMER MAGIC
Fun, magic and tea party for the under-8s with
Josh the magician (Member of the Young Magicians Club) - as seen on TV
Admission to show by ticket only - £4 per child(not £3 as in Factsheet) Tickets on sale from Burwell Post Office and Tina's (North Street). Remaining tickets will be on sale at the museum on the day.
Museum open as normal. Usual admission charges for those NOT attending magic show.
Please note: Magic show starts at 3pm. Bring a cushion to sit on.
Refreshments Stall with hot & cold drinks and home-made cakes available today.
See the Burwell Museum website for photos and videos of last year's magic show: www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 19/05/2007 10:23:24
Name: Louise
Email: PascoeMeinecke AT aol.com
Own Url: http://
I am tracing my STEVENS family tree. Please anyone with information about the Stevens family please contact me.

Date: 14/05/2007 20:35:24
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum - Bank Holiday Monday 28th May - Grunty Fen Rhubarb Festival.
Demonstrations of rhubarb semaphore and rhubarb lacemaking.
Bring your own rhubarb to be judged. Prizes for the biggest, smallest, redest, longest, prettiest, ugliest, limpest and stiffest rhubarb,(or whatever else we decide on the day) plus a special award for conversational rhubarb.
Write a poem ´Ode to Rhubarb´.
Children are invited to enter artwork illustrating the ancient rhubarb forest of the fens where dinosaurs roamed!
Please your bring poems, artwort and rhubarb on the day.
The Rhubarb Festival will be opened by Christopher South of BBC Radio Cambridgshire + guests (including the glamourous Miss Rhubarb).
Refreshments Stall with hot & cold drinks and home-made cakes plus rhubarb and custard available today.

Date: 12/05/2007 11:34:05
Name: Mark Booth
Email: admin AT matangini.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.matangini.org.uk
I am running in the ASICS 10K London run on July 1st to raise money for Stand Up for Africa - Matangini Project. If you would like to sponsor me, please visit www.justgiving.com/marks10k. Any amount over £2 can be donated, and we can claim 28% giftaid back off Gordon Brown! The money raised will go to a rural Kenyan school to build a borehole. More info at the website. Thanks!

Date: 11/05/2007 18:34:03
Name: Alissia
Email: pleasedontfind AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Hi I've recently moved to Burwell, I like to jog a few miles with my dog some mornings but want to improve. Does anyone want to join me or improve thier fitness too?

Date: 04/05/2007 20:02:43
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Monday 7th May 2007. (Bank Holiday Monday). 2-5pm.
The official opening of the new permanent "Dennis of Grunty Fen" exhibition at Burwell Museum.
With Special Guest Christopher South from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

Date: 04/05/2007 14:28:08
Name: Suzanne Rigby-Jones
Email: suzanne AT cambridgemencap.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.cambridgemencap.co.uk
Volunteers Needed. Cambridge Mencap are running a befriending service for young people with learning disabilities aged 13-25. The service aims to support young people who wish to make links with their peer group and community. We are looking for young adult volunteers who would like to spend time with a young person with learning disabilities to attend a youth club, go to the cinema, bowling and many more activities so that the young person can have more independence and opportunities. Interested? Please phone the Volunteer Coordinator, Suzanne on 01223 441157 or email suzanne@cambridgemencap.co.uk

Date: 04/05/2007 14:19:22
Name: Suzanne Rigby-Jones
Email: suzanne AT cambridgemencap.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.cambridgemencap.co.uk
Give a little time and make a BIG difference! Have fun and make a real difference to the lives of a disabled child and their family.
Cambridge Mencap are looking for people to provide regular breaks for families with children with learning disabilities. You would get to know the child, spend a few hours or more once a month involving them in everyday activities in your community or in their home, and at the same time you will be giving the child's own family a break.
You do not need to have looked after a child with learning disabilities before, as training and support are provided. You will also be paid travel expenses.

Interested? Please contact Suzanne, the Volunteer Service Coordinator at 01223 441157 or suzanne@cambridgemencap.co.uk

Date: 20/04/2007 18:37:39
Name: Friends of Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Concert by the Minden Band of the Queen's Division. Friday 27th April 7:30pm at St Mary's Church, Burwell. "Songs from the Films" (or "Music from the Movies" if you prefer). Tickets cost £10 and are available from the Museum, Burwell Post Office and "Tina's" (next to the Co-Op in North Street, Burwell).
All profits will be split between the Museum, the church Preservation Trust and a charity of the Band's choice.
Photos and videos of previous concerts and further information can be found on the Burwell Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
This event is organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 09/04/2007 16:47:37
Name: G Challis
Email: gchallis1 AT aol.com
Own Url: http://
Missing dark tabby 2 yr old cat, went missing from Railway Close Burwell on easter Monday, he has a brown leather collar with metal fish on it and a bell. If found please contact 01638 743030 or 07900516980

Date: 24/03/2007 22:00:45
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum re-opens on Easter Sunday. Our full colour leaflets with the 2007 Special Events insert ("Factsheet") will be distibuted before Easter.
Leaflets can be picked up from the Museum (from Easter), all the pubs in Burwell, the barber's shop opposite the church, Burwell Library, "Tina's" craft shop (next to the Co-Op), "Costcutters" newsagent (opposite the Co-Op). Outside Burwell leaflets can be found in most Cambridgeshire and some Suffolk libraries, Tourist Information Centres in Cambridgshire and Suffolk plus many hotels and visitor attractions in the area.
The "Factsheet" can also be downloaded directly from the Burwell Museum website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk) where you can also find details of all Burwell Museum events including fundraising events organised by the Friends of the Museum.

Date: 08/03/2007 13:58:30
Name: Emma
Email: rob_n_em AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
My husband and I are desperate to move back to Burwell. We would need 3 bedrooms, detached or semi-detached. Currently selling our house in Newmarket. Please do get in touch if you're about to sell or will sell in the next few months. Thanks! Emma

Date: 04/03/2007 17:47:32
Name: Mark Booth
Email: admin AT matangini.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.matangini.org.uk
Hello all. Have just moved to the village. I co-ordinate a charitable venture called the Matangini Project, which is a development programme within the registered charity 'Stand Up For Africa' (www.standupforafrica.org.uk). We are raising money for safe sources of water in East Africa. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help raise funds, please contact me on the above email address. More information about the project is available at www.matangini.org.uk

Date: 02/03/2007 17:02:35
Name: Gary
Email: katyaya AT tiscali.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Complete home wine making equipment for sale. £40.00 the lot.
13 Demijohns, 50 wine bottles, and all the extras needed to make good j***e. email to request viewing and a detailed list of gear. Can deliver if this is easier.

Date: 02/03/2007 16:58:18
Name: Careful Couriers
Email: info AT carefulcouriers.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.carefulcouriers.co.uk
Newly formed local business for local businesses and residents. If you want something returned to a supplier or just something delivered with care, then we are here to help you. We are very competitive locally, see our web site for details. Thank you for reading this item.

Date: 01/03/2007 11:02:40
Name: Karen Brickwood
Email: karen AT hrl-cam.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Hi! Looking for a room to rent in a shared house, or a flat share. I am a 31 year old professional returning to the area. If you can help, please call 07798562417

Date: 18/02/2007 10:32:55
Name: Burwell Petsitter
Email: mmockford AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.animalcrazypetsitter.co.uk
My service includes dog walking, doggy daycare, dog boarding, pet taxi (vet visits etc.), small animal (cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamster etc) home visits while you are on holiday. I am registered with the National Association of Registered Petsitters (www.dogsit.com) which means I am fully insured and have had my identification verified. Please call 01638 614615 if you have any queries.

Date: 17/02/2007 19:18:20
Name: Mark Hassall
Email: mhassall AT btconnect.com
Own Url: http://
Please note the St Mary's Church Fete will take place on the
16th June 2007 at the Vicarage Garden High Street Burwell
2pm until 4 pm

Thanks you

Date: 14/02/2007 14:03:44
Name: Pat Kilbey - Historical Plaque
Email: pat.kilbey AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
WANTED - jugglers, magicians, musicians, folk dancers, craftspeople - anyone who would like to take part in the re-creation of a historical village fete to celebrate the unveiling of our 4th Village information plaque. Saturday afternoon May 19th. No payments offered or required but entertainers are welcome to pass the hat and craftspeople keep proceeds from sales on the day.

Date: 13/02/2007 19:13:10
Name: claudine THOMAS
Email: claudine.tuaillon AT wanadoo.fr
Own Url: http://claudine.tuaillo,@wanadoo.fr
know Linda et Peter Schmitz (??)they live in Burwell, silver street.
please, thank you informe me.

Date: 25/01/2007 01:09:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Dates for Burwell Museum Special Events in 2007 are now on the Museum's website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk). Dates and events are subject to change until a few weeks before Easter. If you can help in any way with a Special Event (such as donating a raffle prize for the Fete or bringing a vehicle to the Dad's Army Day) then please do contact us. Full contact details on the website.

Date: 10/11/2006 18:17:22
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
10:30am - 5:00pm
Admission - Adults £1, Children Free.
Ideal for Christmas shopping.
Over 40 stalls. Refreshments. Raffle. Free car parking.
All profits to the Museum.
Further info can be found on the Burwell Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 25/10/2006 01:44:59
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum - Last Open Days of 2006 are Thursday 26th October and Sunday 29th October.
We will not be taking any Group or School Visits after Sunday until we re-open at Easter although you are most welcome to contact us during the closed period to book your visit(s) for 2007.

Date: 04/10/2006 20:15:03
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The replica "Village Stocks" that were used for the plaque unvailing on Stocks Green (by the Church gates) are now on permanent display at Burwell Museum.
The very unusual tricycle with trailer plus a one-man-band belonging to "Dennis of Grunty Fen" are also now on permanent display at the Museum.
See the "News" page on the Burwell Museum Website for photos and further info.

Date: 20/09/2006 22:41:59
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
You can now donate to Burwell Museum via the Museum Website using your Credit or Debit card.
Full details on the Burwell Museum Website.

Date: 16/09/2006 19:21:04
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Photos and videos of the Minden Band concert can now be found on the Burwell Museum website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk)- click on "Own Url" above.

Date: 29/08/2006 14:17:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The final Childrens Activity Day at Burwell Museum is this Thursday (31st Aug) "Go Wild with Wildlife" - Admission FREE.

Tickets for the Minden Band concert on 8th September are on sale now.

For info about both these Special Events please visit the Burwell Museum website

Date: 19/08/2006 06:37:54
Name: Jessica Ryckewaert
Email: ipa.percussion AT virgin.net
Own Url: http://
Jessica Ryckewaert, Ely Cathedral, The Octagon
In support of MAGPAS plays Marimba & Vibraphone
Sat 21st October at 7.30p.m

A wonderful & varied evening of music with works by
Mozart, J.S Bach, Astor Piazzolla, Dave Samuels, Keiko Abe and more.
Performed by Ely’s newest star and Prize Winner in World Percussion Competition Genve 2002

Adults £8.00 Children/Concessions £5.00
Tickets available from the Cathedral box office
Telephone: 01353 660349
box.office AT cathedral.ely.anglican.org
Support MAGPAS and make a difference

Date: 16/08/2006 03:29:44
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Photos & videos of the "Dad's Army Day" at Burwell Museum can now be found in the Gallery section of the Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk .
Photos of the first 2 "Childrens Activity Days" can also be found on the website.
Let us know if you spot yourself in any of the photos or videos.

Date: 09/08/2006 19:46:08
Name: Burwell Players
Email: meleenawalsh AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
The Burwell Players are proud to present

WIND IN THE WILLOWS adaptation by Willis Hall

A fine musical play suitable for all age groups.

Being performed at Burwell Village College on 14, 15, 16th September 2006. Doors open at 7:00pm curtain up at 7:30pm. Tickets can be bought from Burwell P/O or on the door on performance nights. Adults £6.00, Juniors and Concessions £4.00. Refreshments will be available.

Date: 09/08/2006 00:21:48
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
There is the opportunity to make your own Hand Made bricks this Thursday at Burwell Museum.
This is the 2nd of our Childrens Activity Days and, like the other Activity Days, admission is free.

Dad's Army Day is on Sunday. Although we don't officially open until 12pm, as our Factsheet says we open at 11am, the gates will be open from around 11am.
Remember - admission charges are slightly higher for this event (Under 5s and Season Ticket Holders will still enjoy free entry!)

Details for both events can be found on the Special Events page of our website.

Date: 22/07/2006 15:31:23
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Finding things for the kids to do during the summer holiday can be difficult. This may help.
Every Thursday afternoon during August at Burwell Museum there will be "Hands-on" activities for children. Admission is free. Details on the Special Events page of the Burwell Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 07/07/2006 08:09:16
Name: Karen
Email: karen AT unicen.cam.ac.uk
Own Url: http://

I have recently moved into the area and am looking for someone with a field with access to water to put my pony in the village, she's a hardy type and doesn't need a stable. Company would be preferable but not necessary and she's no trouble a very chilled out and friendly pony.
I'd really like to have her close by so if anyone can help me please drop me an email

Date: 03/07/2006 12:39:42
Name: Lynne
Email: scarielle AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://www.pureportugal.co.uk
My 16yo grandson is staying with me and is looking for a part-time summer job. He's intelligent, reliable and friendly. He lives on an organic farm in Portugal, where he is used to doing chores both in the house and outside. He'll consider anything while he's here.

Date: 02/07/2006 22:28:03
Name: Friends of Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 9th July 2006. 2pm to 5pm - Burwell Museum.
The annual Summer Fête organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum. FREE ADMISSION to whole museum.
Stalls and games. Fun for all the family.
Prize draw with BIG prizes - Including - 1st Prize : 1 hour helicopter ride within a 40 mile radius of Marshalls Airport, Cambridge. Draw Tickets available from the museum shop (when museum is open) or directly from the Friends (click link on Museum website to the Friends Page for info). Remaining tickets will be on sale during the fête.
All the stalls will be run by the Friends so all the money taken will go to the Museum.
Refreshments Stall with hot & cold drinks and home-made cakes.

Date: 29/06/2006 12:48:28
Name: Heather
Email: hthrnorris AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Ironing service available in burwell very good rates . email for more details.

Date: 24/06/2006 21:44:29
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
"Rose Show" photos & "Summer Magic" photos & video clips can now be seen in the Gallery on the Burwell Museum Website ( http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk ). They are in the "Special Events 2006 gallery" section.

Date: 24/06/2006 07:57:07
Name: Helen Hall
Email: helen.hall1 AT bigpond.com
Own Url: http://
Interested in hearing from descendants of Charles Hall (son of William and Elizabeth) born Burwell 1848.

Date: 19/06/2006 15:50:42
Name: Hilary Marsh
Email: hilary AT themeadowhouse.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.themeadowhouse.co.uk
PART TIME JOB available Sat & Sun mornings helping us at The Meadow House B&B with our bedrooms, tables and general duties. 10am - 1pm. Would suit GSCE student. Very good rates of pay available. Holiday work also available. Tel: Hilary 01638 741926.

Date: 13/06/2006 20:54:34
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
There are 2 Special Events this weekend (17th & 18th June) at Burwell Museum. On Saturday there is the Garden Club Rose Show (Free admission) & on Sunday there is the magic show for children (£3 per child).
The whole museum will open on both days 2-5pm (normal admission prices on Sunday for those NOT attending magic show)
See Special Events page on Museum Website for details. http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 26/05/2006 23:07:05
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Just a quick reminder that the museum is open both Sunday & Monday this Bank Holiday weekend.
The museum is also open on Thursdays making it an ideal place to visit during this Half-Term Holiday week.
Further information about the museum can be found on our website (http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk).

Date: 23/05/2006 22:32:23
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The monitor we used for showing our collection of "archive" videos at the museum broke down a few weeks ago and we would like to replace it.
If you or someone you know wants to get rid of their old (working) large screen tv or video monitor we would love to have it (preferably for free but we are willing to pay).
Our old monitor had a 40 inch (colour) screen.
If you give us the tv/monitor for free we will put a notice next to it to say who donated it.
Please contact us if you can help.
Thank you.

Date: 17/05/2006 11:48:44
Name: Meleena Walsh
Email: meleenawalsh AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://


Date: 12/05/2006 22:33:02
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
This Sunday (14th May) at Burwell Museum "Printing from the Past" Special Event - see museum website for details.

Date: 09/05/2006 16:11:46
Name: Mike
Email: pjazy AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://mikeyhgc.proboards77.com/index.cgi
A new forum has been set up for the poultry keepers and/or gardeners of Burwell and the surrounding area. Please drop in and say hi and help to make the Burwell Chicken Hut a success. visit: http://mikeyhgc.proboards77.com/index.cgi

Date: 26/04/2006 22:48:40
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum will be open 2-5pm Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday (30th April & 1st May).
We won't be having any Special Events over the weekend (next one is 14th May) but we will be a calm and peaceful place to visit this weekend compared to some other venues!

Date: 23/04/2006 14:23:11
Name: james rhodes
Email: james-f.rhodes AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
Hi, I'm a fourteen year old boy and im looking for a job to earn a bit of spare cash. unfortunately, im only available on saturday nights, but if you would like a babysitter and you live in burwell i would be very happy to help. i love kids and i feel i am very good with them too. The age group im most good with are probably kids between 3 and 8. please contact my email if you are interested.

Date: 17/04/2006 20:17:40
Name: Ian Taylor
Email: tayloriw AT msn.com
Own Url: http://
1 Bedroom apartment for rent in Sunny Beach , Bulgaria.
Fully furnished and sleeps up to 6, has large shared pool and is 800 metres from beach, shops, bars etc
Call Ian or Naomi on
01638 602754

Date: 17/04/2006 20:15:30
Name: Ian Taylor
Email: tayloriw AT msn.com
Own Url: http://
CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN HIRE...... make that party one to remember with one of our stunning chocolate fountains, we cater for any number of guests, so give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Call 01638 602754 mob 07919895909

Date: 14/04/2006 01:27:32
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum re-opens for 2006 on Easter Sunday at 2pm.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for children (and adults too, if they wish!).
The Museum will also be open on Bank Holiday Monday from 2pm when the Easter Egg Hunt will be running again.
Further details can be found on the Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 12/04/2006 15:43:12
Name: James Rhodes
Email: james-f.rhodes AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
Hi, I'm a 13 year old boy, soon to be 14 in a week and im looking for a job to earn a bit of spare cash. unfortunately, im only available on saturday nights so if you would like a babysitter and you live in burwell i would be very happy to help. i love kids and i feel i am very good with them too. The age group im most good with are probably kids between 3 and 8. please contact my email if you are interested.

Date: 09/04/2006 15:44:25
Name: Burwell Village Twinning Assoc
Email: peter.heath2 AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://www.bvta.ik.com
Have you visited the Burwell Village Twinning Association Website? - www.bvta.ik.com
Here you will find out all about the recent twinning exchanges between Burwell and Lizy-sur-Ourcq, France, and details of the events taking place betwenn 28th April to 1st May 2006 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the 'Twinning'

Date: 28/03/2006 15:36:24
Name: Meleena Walsh
Email: burwellplayers AT yahoo.co.uk

The Burwell Village Players

Open Auditions for our new production of The Wind in the Willows will take place at 8pm on 13th April at the Gardiner Memorial Hall in Burwell.

We are inviting people from the age of 13+ to come and audition for parts in our forthcoming production of The Wind in the Willows, a musical play. If you can’t or don’t want to sing and act but still want to get involved we will need people to help out with costumes, make-up, set design and front of house on the performance dates.

You will need to be available on a Tuesday evening for rehearsals and for the performance dates of 14 & 15th July 2006. The performances will take place at Burwell Village College. There will be additional input required closer to the performance dates.

We look forward to seeing you

We look forward to seeing you on the 13th April at 8pm. If you have any questions prior to the audition date please contact Meleena on 01223 813972

Date: 21/03/2006 11:57:07
Name: natalie carter
Email: 99021539 AT students.camre.ac.uk
On thursday 30th march students from cambridge regional college will be holding a 007 themed evening at the riverside restaurant,newmarket road. This inculdes a five course meal at £18.50..the starters inculde a mixed leaf salad with mozzarella mint peach & procsuitto. The selection of mains are evening more tempting for you to dine a the resaurant over looking the cambs, with dishes such as beef wellington with a red wine gravey & curly kale. The choice of desserts are sensational one being a chocolate mousse cake...... and this is only a feww of the dishes on the menu..... and if that doesnt tempt you nothing will!! To book or make an enquire please contact cambridge regional college's catering reception on 01223 532300

Date: 14/03/2006 23:19:09
Name: Friends of Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Quiz night at the Trinity Church building in Burwell High Street on Saturday 18th March. £6 per team (a "Ploughmans Supper" is included. Please bring your own drinks)
Organised and run by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
For details and to book your team please contact Margaret Moss or Brenda Bellward of the Friends (contact info for the Friends can be found on the Museum Website - click on the link above)

Date: 04/03/2006 14:45:26
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Special Events for 2006 at the museum have been finalised and details can now be seen on our website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk . This year we have special "Hands On" activities for children every Thursday afternoon in August.
Our leaflet, with the 2006 Factsheet, will be available from the usual places within the next few weeks. The Factsheet can also be downloaded from our website.

Date: 15/02/2006 20:33:48
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
"New To You" sale, Burwell Ex-Service & Social Club car park, Saturday 18th February, 10am - 2pm.
Organised and run by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Information about the Friends, including how to join them, can be found on the Burwell Museum website - www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 03/02/2006 16:38:27
Name: Jim Helm
Email: hlmfoto AT yahoo.com
I am looking for Wendy Casburn who lived at 19 Toyse Lane in Burwell. If anyone knows where she might be plese Email me or have her contact me at: HLMFOTO AT yahoo.com Thank you.

Date: 16/01/2006 20:32:38
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
There is now a short list, on the Burwell Museum website, of some of the Special Events we have planned for this year.
The list can be found on the "News" page.
Currently the only confirmed dates are for the Easter Opening and the November Craft Fair. Information for these 2 events can be found on the "Special Events" page.
When dates for the Special Events are confirmed and more events added they will be published on the "Special Events" page.
The Burwell Museum website can be found at www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 09/01/2006 20:21:59
Name: Bob
Email: mrbob AT threemedia.com
I am trying to get in touch with Clare Garwood (she posted a message here regarding a missing cat). I'm an old friend from Leicester and am trying to catch up with those that moved away!

Date: 06/01/2006 21:15:27
Name: Sally Harrison
Email: sally.harrison AT ntlworld.com
I am looking for part time work, preferably mornings or lunch time cover.I am aged between 40 -50, computer knowledgable,good phone manner, love dealing with people and have many more skills, also willing to learn. I do have an ongoing illness, which I am happy to explain in full and would need to be seated some time during my working shift. I would not be happy doing telesales.Voluntary work would also be considered. Please e-mail me should you have a position that may suit. thank you for taking the time to read this request.

Date: 27/12/2005 15:01:27
Name: D, Towle
Email: Dv.towle AT virgin.net
Hi Trying to say hello to a old friend of mine from the late 1960,s.Elizebeth (nee) Washtell,if anyone knows or is in touch with her.origanally from Reach, THANKS

Date: 12/12/2005 01:20:15
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Photos and videos of the Minden Band Christmas Concert added to the Burwell Museum website( http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk ).
Go to the Gallery section and then to Special Events 2005 gallery.
The Minden Band will be returning to Burwell in April next year for another concert. Details will be on the museum website in the near future.

Date: 02/12/2005 09:33:00
Name: alma
Email: almacardi AT hotmail.com
I am looking for a reliable person to help with house cleaning and especially with ironing. Please call 07766583814 or send email to almacardi AT hotmail.com

Date: 30/11/2005 23:24:27
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The next 2 Special Events in aid of Burwell Museum are a Christmas Fair on Saturday 3rd December (afternoon) and a Family Christmas Concert by the Minden Band on Tuesday 6th December (evening).
Please see the Burwell Museum website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk for details.

Date: 29/11/2005 09:32:54
Name: Terry
Email: thavard AT hotmail.com
Own Url:
I can't thank you enough. Information on this site is very useful for me.

Date: 25/11/2005 23:19:24
Name: hmm
Email: hmmmm AT BUG.co.uk
i just wanted 2 say i luv u

Date: 20/11/2005 18:02:08
Name: Kennedys
Email: kevin.kennedy AT fitzpatrick.co.u
We would like to thank Ian & his wife from the Reach road industrial site for looking after Milly our pet cat that went missing 7 months ago, she is back home now and settled back in nicely and doing well,again thank you very much you have made our family very happy one again.

Date: 13/11/2005 00:47:03
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Friends of Burwell Museum are holding a Barn Dance on Saturday 19th November at the Gardiner Memorial Hall, High Street, Burwell. Further details about the Barn Dance on our website.

The annual Burwell Museum Trust Craft Fair takes place on Sunday 20th November at Burwell Village College (Primary)
All spaces for stalls are fully booked now.
Further details about the Craft Fair on our website

Date: 04/11/2005 20:09:44
Name: Jennie
Email: jennie AT csdbrass.fsnet.co.uk
Fully grown cat found in the Reach Road Industrial Estate area of Burwell. Grey and tan short-haired. Very nervous and very hungry. Telephone: 01638 741776 (work hours)

Date: 28/10/2005 22:51:35
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 30th October is the last day Burwell Museum will be open in 2005.
The Museum re-opens on Easter Sunday 2006.
Fundraising events continue during the closed period including a Barn Dance on Saturday 19th November and the annual Craft Fair on Sunday 20th November. Further details about these and other events can be found on our website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 21/10/2005 19:38:49
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Tickets for the Minden Band concert at St Mary's Church, Burwell on Saturday night (22nd October) will be available at the door on the evening.
So don't worry if you haven't decided yet whether to go or not - you should still be able to attend even if you turn up at the last minute!

Date: 18/10/2005 17:05:21
Name: bianca
Email: sgd AT vdg.com

Date: 12/10/2005 22:27:00
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Concert by the Minden Band of the Queens Division.
Saturday 22nd October 2005, 7.30pm - 10.30pm at St Mary's Church, High Street, Burwell.
The Minden Band of the Queens Division, one of the British Army's premier bands, present an evening concert including "The Last Night of the Proms" in the beautiful surroundings of the historic St Mary's Church, Burwell. Free Parking. Mini-bus & coach parties welcome.
Tickets, price £15, available via the phone numbers below or at "Tina's" shop next to the "Co-Op" in Burwell. All proceeds split between Burwell Museum and a charity of the Minden Band's Choice.
For Tickets or Info phone (01638)741705 or 742030.

Date: 07/09/2005 23:16:22
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: contacts AT our.website
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Kid's Collections.
Please contact us if you or your child would like to display a collection in the "Kid's Collections" Special Event on 18th September.
All contact details and further information about this event can be found on the Burwell Museum Website.

Date: 06/09/2005 21:47:15
Name: Harry
Email: enter AT johnsoninfo.org
Own Url: http://johnsoninfo.org
All Information are great and very needful. Thanks for the good work and efforts u have taken in this work

Date: 04/09/2005 22:21:07
Name: Charles Coombs
Email: charlescoombs AT yahoo.com
Retired American educator, male, seeks live-in position in exchange for care of recovering person or household duties, etc. Would like to see Cambridge and area for several months Fall 2005 or Spring 2006

Date: 01/09/2005 16:54:51
Name: Jenny Chantler
Email: jenny AT nationalstud.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.nationalstud.co.uk
Special All-Day Newmarket Tour every Wednesday this September.

Itinerary includes tour of Newmarket racing yard and gallops, morning coffee, visit to Horseracing Museum, tour of National Stud and cream (or equivalent) tea. All in price (excluding your own lunch option) of £20 or £16 concessions. For further details or to book please phone 01638 667 333.

Date: 01/09/2005 09:13:18
Name: Heather Walker
Email: heathermacwalker AT hotmail.com
I am a 29 year old female available for babysitting in the evenings during the week and at weekends and am looking for a couple of families to become a regular babysitter for.
I have previous experience of looking after children of all ages.
Rates are negotiable dependent on times and the ages of your children.
Please feel free to contact me either by email or on 01638 610182.

Date: 26/08/2005 21:41:37
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: contacts AT our.website
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum is open Bank Holiday Monday (29th August) in addition to the usual Sunday opening this weekend.
Opening times are 2-5pm both days.

Date: 26/08/2005 18:20:48
Name: G Challis
Email: graham2009uk AT yahoo.co.uk
TELEPHONE: 07900516980

Date: 13/08/2005 00:04:30
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: contacts AT our.website
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 14th August - Burwell Museum, Mill Close, Burwell.
'Dad's Army' Day.
Featuring WW2 vehicles, costumes, artefacts and period displays.
The Tea Stall will have a wartime theme with spam rolls, corned beef rolls and grated cheese rolls in addition to the usual selection of refreshments.
The Blacksmith will be working in the Forge.
Further information on our website.


Date: 30/07/2005 22:03:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: contacts AT our.website
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The annual summer fête organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum is this Sunday (31st) at the Museum. Stalls and games including a prize draw with BIG prizes including:
The use of a brand new Toyota car for a weekend (will be on show at the museum this Sunday) donated by Toyota - Cambridge,
£250 worth of holiday vouchers donated by The Mitchams Group of Burwell.
Meal for 2 at the Riverside Restaurant in the University Centre, Granta Place, Cambridge (by the Mill Pond) donated by the University Centre.
Draw tickets will still be available from the Museum on Sunday (31st).
The draw takes place on Sunday at 4pm.
FREE ADMISSION to Fete and Museum.

Date: 12/07/2005 17:37:35
Name: emily gill
Email: emily AT gillns.com
Own Url: job
i'm 14 and would like to earn some money dog walking. I will walk your dog around Burwell for as long as you would like me to. contact me by e-mail

Date: 05/07/2005 01:55:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: Please see website
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Photos from Sunday's Summer Magic with Olliwiz Show have now been added to the "Gallery" section of the museum website.
If you were there you might see yourself in one of the photos!

Date: 24/12/2004 01:02:18
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
A provisional list of Special Events for 2005 is now available on the "Special Events" page of the museum website. Further details will be published in the forthcoming weeks.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Trustees and Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 13/12/2004 21:42:37
Name: Martin Ray
Email: martin.ray45-AT-btinternet.com
Can anyone put me in touch with Jennifer Marrs - I think she lives in Mill Lane. I can be contacted via the above email address.

Date: 03/12/2004 19:55:25
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Please note that the old Burwell Museum website address (mysite.freeserve.com/burwell_museum) will cease to work after the end of the month. Please use ' www.burwellmuseum.org.uk ' instead. If you have the museum website in your "Favourites" or "Bookmarks" (or equivalent) folder please save the ' .org.uk ' address in place of the Freeserve one.

Date: 25/11/2004 09:45:41
Name: Clare Garwood
Email: clare.garwood-AT-bakertilly.co.uk
Missing Cat
We live in Burwell and have lost our cat. He is one year old, grey and white, with a green reflective collar. He is a much loved family pet and has never gone missing before. He went missing on 23rd November. We think he may be in an outbuilding in the Buntings Path area or that someone has taken him as lost and is looking after him, as he is very loveable. If you can help, it would be much appreciated. Thankyou

Date: 20/11/2004 01:59:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Extra information about our Craft Fair this Sunday (21/11/04):
Free car parking.
Refreshments - Hot & cold drinks, sandwiches, home made cakes etc.
Museum souvenirs.

Date: 10/11/2004 22:33:24
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
10:30am-5:00pm Sunday November 21st at Burwell Village College (Primary).
Admission Charge : Adults £1, Children Free.
We have decided to carry on with this very popular event.
We are now fully booked with around 45 stalls, but if you would like to have a stall of your own at our 2005 Fair please phone or e-mail us and our Craft Fair organiser, Sophie Rowell, will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our charges are very competitive and all profits go to the museum.

Date: 09/11/2004 21:28:47
Name: Jennifer Young
Email: jennifer-AT-cheekymonkey.co.uk
Hello - We are thinking of moving to Burwell and have two small children - 6m and 2 yrs. Are there any playgroups/mother and toddler groups in the area where they (and I) would be able to make new friends. Any information would be much appreciated.

Date: 04/11/2004 01:22:41
Name: Don Burwell
Email: whatamaroon2-dwb-AT-yahoo.com
Just curious, are there any people living in the village of Burwell with the last name of Burwell?
By the way, your community events pictures are very nice.
Don Burwell, Fairfield, California, USA

Date: 31/10/2004 00:08:16
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Don't forget it's the last open day of 2004 at Burwell Museum today 2-5pm (31st Oct).

Date: 25/10/2004 16:02:05
Name: Mallory Hansford
Email: mallory.hansford-AT-virgin.net
I have been learning French for one year and am looking for someone to practice speaking it with, ideally someone from Burwell - just an hour a week or whatever. I would be interested to hear from anyone at any level. My tel no is 741473.

Date: 24/10/2004 16:05:14
Name: Mary Hammond
Email: hammonds-AT- netcomuk.co.uk
Found Cat!
Have you lost a male grey/black DSH tabby cat. Currently being looked after in Meadowlands Burwell. Very lovable, and obviously a family pet. Will keep for another week before taking to cat's shelter.

Date: 22/10/2004 23:26:00
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
SPECIAL EVENT Sunday 31st October. 2-5pm.
Steam Engines, Tractors and Crafts.
Last day of opening for 2004 - Featuring crafts (hand built clocks and model engines), vintage tractors and a steam traction engine and/or road roller.
Your final chance to visit us this year.

Date: 15/10/2004 14:15:57
Name: Keith Fothergil
Email: kwf-AT-tinyworld.co.uk
Just saw the entry down the page about the Stevens Mill family tree. I am realated to the Stevens and Clarks of Burwell and have done a certain amount of research into the stevens family tree as well, so like Rex I would be delighted to hear from anyone else who has done the same


Date: 04/10/2004 20:55:58
Name: Lisa Lester
Email: lisa.lester-AT-ntlworld.com
BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE. If anyone in the village is a user of BSL and would be prepared to help a Level 2 Year 2 student, please contact me.

Date: 30/09/2004 16:21:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
With live Celidh band.
8-11:30pm, Gardiner Memorial Hall, High Street, Burwell.
Entry by ticket only: £10 to include ploughman's meal. Bring your own drinks (soft or alcoholic).
Limited number of tickets - available from Burwell Post Office or phone 01638 611515.
Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 28/09/2004 21:13:11
Name: Chipo Sigurdsson
Email: cmmurira-AT-aol.com
I was wondering if they is any other aupairs in the village as I have just got an aupair from Iceland and I think she she feels a bit lonely on her days off and in the evenings. So if they is any other aupairs or any girls between 17-25yrs that can show her around I am sure she would really appreciate it. I thank you in advance for all your help.

Date: 10/09/2004 21:52:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 19th September 2-5pm
Displays of local children’s collections and hobbies.
If you have something you would like to display please phone Pauline Hawes on 01638 742847 or e-mail us and we'll pass your message on to Pauline. We have plenty of space so the more displays the better!
Further information about the museum on our website http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 24/08/2004 22:44:44
Name: Charles Starks
Email: cstarks-AT-adelphia.net
When I was 12 - in 1960, my family (dad was in the U.S. Air Force) lived in Burwell. By luck, I ran across your site and if anyone knows a Robert Avis of Burwell (from that timeframe), I would really appreciate hearing from him.
Thanks for your help,
Chuck Starks

Date: 23/08/2004 15:02:25
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
MUSEUM SPECIAL EVENT Sun 29th and Monday 30th August(Bank Holiday weekend)2-5pm
1600 years ago the Roman Empire in Britain collapsed. The Romanised peoples of Britain struggled for survival against the newcomers from Northern Europe.
*Interactive displays on the Romano-British Angles & Saxons by Venta Historic group.
*Presentation on the Devil's Dyke.
*Roman brick making display with opportunities to make your own "Roman Burwell Brick".
*Burial practices "demonstration".
BLACKSMITH working in the Forge.

Date: 13/08/2004 13:56:11
Name: Gemma
Email: charliesangel34-AT-hotmail.com
I am looking for a house / flat share or room to rent in Burwell. I am fully employed in Cambridge, 23 years old and I drive, so must have room for a car. Love animals - so pets no problem. It would be good to hear from anyone honest.

Date: 11/08/2004 22:54:42
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 15th 12:00am - 5:00pm
'DADS ARMY' DAY In recognition of the 60th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
Featuring WW2 vehicles, costumes artefacts and period displays.
Presentation of the 361st Fighter Group (Bottisham) US Eight Airforce 1943/44.
Please note the earlier opening time today for this event.
If you have a vehicle of your own from this period and would like to bring it on the day please contact the museum as we'd love to see you!
Further information about the museum on the museum website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk)

Date: 02/08/2004 12:40:21
Name: Rex Stevens
Email: rexandsue-AT- lineone.net
I have been interested in the renovation of Stevens' Mill and development of the Museum for many years. I attended the opening of the Museum as a guest and signed the original visitors' book. My great, great, great, great grandfather was John Stevens - a Burwell farmer - whose grandsons were the last family members to run Stevens' Mill. I would be grateful for any information relating to the Stevens family, their ancestors/descendants or people they married.

Date: 05/07/2004 12:59:01
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
A childs coat was left behind after the magic show on Sunday afternoon. If this belongs to your child you can collect it when the museum is open or on a Tuesday evening between 6:30 and 8:30pm. There is a name written on the label inside the coat.

Date: 02/07/2004 17:56:04
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum -AT- burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Childrens magician and entertainer, Oliwiz, will be performing a show at Burwell Museum this Sunday (4th)at 3:00pm. Show is aimed at the under 8s. Tickets cost £3.00 and include admission to the museum and a tea party after the show. Tickets can be purchased in advance from Burwell Post Office or from Brenda Belward (742030). They can also be purchased on the day between 2:00pm & 3:00pm at the Museum Admission Kiosk. Adults and over 8s can visit the museum as normal at the usual admission prices.

Date: 01/07/2004 13:36:08
Name: Amanda Smith
Email: mailto.amanda-AT-virgin.net
Do you own a redundant garage or outbuilding in Burwell?
I am a local Artist looking for workspace in the village and
willing to pay a monthly agreed fee for suitable premises.
For more information email the above address or call
Mobile: 07986 550119.

Date: 30/06/2004 18:20:29
Name: Liz
Email: liz.2-beth -AT- tiscali.co.uk
Am trying to locate James Dean (Jimmy) mid-late 30's, used to work in Newmarket for Hugh Collingridge and N.Callahan. Last heard was working (factory) and living in Burwell. A friend (Nic) and myself are coming to Newmarket in August and would love to meet up with him again. Any info please e-mail me. Thanks. Liz.

Date: 29/06/2004 09:28:13
Name: peter branson
Email: pjbrans-AT-waitrose.com
Burwell is through to the final of the Cambridgeshire village of the year competition 2004 in Haddenham on 8th July at 7.30pm in the Arkenstall Village centre. I am organising a disply to show village life (to try and win) and need as many pictures, leaflets, posters and printed information as I can get, borrow or keep. Please can you help, tel 01638 741109-Thank you-

Date: 05/06/2004 15:52:01
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
This Wednesday (June 9th) sees the 25th anniversary of the last day of operation of the Burwell & District Motor Service (Burwell Buses).
There will be a reunion at Burwell Museum from 6:30pm on the 9th featuring old B & D staff, displays of photographs and model buses and film of the buses at work. Also the last remaining Burwell bus will be there. Everyone is welcome (not just those who worked for the company) and admission is FREE. Light refreshments will be available.
Further details available on the Burwell Museum website.

Date: 26/05/2004 13:47:23
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
MODEL RAILWAYS. With 2 or possibly 3 layouts, clockwork + electric. Model of Burwell Railway Station. Vintage film of the Cambridge to Mildenhall Branch Line in operation.
Sunday & Monday 30th & 31st May 2-5pm.
Further details on our website.

Date: 24/05/2004 20:23:32
Name: Di Wright
Email: angliawrightadvice-AT-ntlworld.co
Own Url: www.angliawrightadvice.com
I am a local health and safety consultant able to advise businesses on achieving compliance with health and safety legislation. I am able to help with developing policies, risk assessments and health and safety training. For further information please contact me on 01638 602022 or visit my website.

Date: 08/05/2004 15:46:53
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
This weekend is National Mills Weekend. Please come and have a look around Stevens Mill at Burwell Museum. Donations towards the upkeep of the mill will be gratefully received. (The mill, being part of the museum, is usually open when the museum is).

Date: 01/05/2004 15:41:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum will be open Sunday & Monday this Bank Holiday weekend. There isn't any special events taking place but everything will be open as normal and we have plenty of places for you to shelter from the forcasted showers! Further details on our website.

Date: 29/04/2004 13:55:00
Name: Burwell
Own Url: http://www.burwell.co.uk
Reach Village Fair on Bank Holiday Monday (May 3rd) Stalls, Rides, Displays, Beer tent etc. etc.

Date: 09/04/2004 01:00:40
Name: burwell
Email: http://www.burwell.co.uk
Burwell Museum Easter Opening
Sun 11th and Mon 12th April
BLACKSMITH working in the Forge.
EASTER EGG HUNT for children (50p per child).
MILL RUNNING(this is subject to completion of restoration work and the weather. The mill will be open to look around even if it's not running.)

Date: 08/04/2004 23:12:12
Name: nwanne
Email: w-AT-yahoo.com
nice site,sepu aka gi

Date: 21/03/2004 16:22:39
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Special Events at the Museum for this year have now been confirmed.
Distribution of our leaflets with the 2004 Special Events inserts has started.
Don't forget that the Special Events are listed on our website and are also available by e-mail.
Further details about the Museum are available on our website.

Date: 10/03/2004 19:00:58
Name: Jim Helm
Email: info-AT-helmphoto.com
Own Url: helmphoto.com
I am still trying to locate Wendy Casburn and would appreciate your help. If anyone knows her, please contact me at: info-AT-helmphoto.com. It would be nice to see her when I come to England this year. Thank you!

Date: 20/02/2004 16:16:01
Name: Charles Coombs
Email: charlescoombs-AT-yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.virginiawoolfusa.com
I am an independent scholar living in the US. I am a senior.
Male. I am hoping to find lodging near Cambridge for the period April 1 thru April 27. I like company and sharing a flat or home is important to my visit. I will be doing some research in Cambridge. If you or someone you know might like a quiet, nonsmoking, single fellow, I would appreciate a reply to charlescoombs-AT-yahoo.com Further, if you are interested in Virginia Woolf, I welcome your reply.

Date: 17/02/2004 15:00:18
Name: Diane Sibley
Email: diane.sibley-AT-ntlworld.com
MATHS TUITION, From Primary School upto GCSE level, avaliable in Burwell. Regular lessons or exam revision.
If you are interested email me, or call on 01638 743190

Date: 11/02/2004 13:36:18
Name: Sarah Radwan
Email: tus_radwan -AT- hotmail.com
Home wanted for Billy!!
Billy is a retired hospital cat. He has spent the last 15 years supervising doctors, nurses and patients at an inner city hospital in London. As Billy is getting into the winter of his life, he needs a home all to himself, with all the love and attention some very special person out there would be willing to give. Billy is an extremely adaptable cat, having been used to getting on with so many different people at any time, he is a friendly, outgoing little character, in search of a cosy corner to spend the rest of his days.
Any kind offers would be much appreciated!

Date: 21/01/2004 21:34:26
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
A provisional list of Special Events at the museum this year is now on the "Special Events" page of our website.

Date: 12/01/2004 22:58:37
Name: Cogslv
Email: Cogslv-AT-cox.net
I know this is not in the topic as listed, but it is the only way I can post this message. Anyone know the Turners? Keith, Audrey, Nicola or her Brother? Please let me know. Cogslv-AT-cox.net

Date: 06/01/2004 20:13:32
Name: Alex Findlay
Email: alex -AT- dontdothatagain.fsnet.co.
LOST CAT - "Tasha". Tortoise shell and white. Last seen in Burwell on Friday 2 January. If you have any information that would help, please e-mail or phone 01638 742221 0r 079 19161866

Date: 06/01/2004 12:53:19
Name: Sarah Wingate
Email: swingate-AT-bma.org.uk
I have a Rayleigh ladies cycle in need of servicing. Does anyone know of someone in Burwell or nearby who services bikes?

Many thanks in advance.

Date: 05/01/2004 12:45:19
Name: Jayne Hoare
Email: jeh44-AT-cam.ac.uk
Sunny single furnished room available in modern house in Bayfield Drive (off Felsham Chase). Sharing with a female, the house is centrally heated, has a large kitchen, garden, and off road parking. Available from 1 February. £250 pcm plus bills and a month's rent is required as deposit.
Please contact Jayne on email or ring 01842 762818 in the evenings.

Date: 05/01/2004 10:47:37
Name: Abi Portway
Email: abi_portway -AT- hotmail.com
Missing Cat: 3 year old black and white boy cat called Charlie. Distinctive because of lack of tail. Last seen on Friday 2 January. Lives at 23 the Causeway, Burwell. Please check sheds/garages in case he has got himself shut in. Any information please contact me. Thanks

Date: 18/12/2003 08:18:56
Name: Dave Wickett
Email: davidwickett-AT-yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwell-carnival.info
Burwell Carnival are hosting a Casino Night on Friday 16th January at the Burwell Ex-Servicemans Club.

This is your chance to pretend to be James Bond and bet your life savings on black. You will be invited to purchase betting chips on your arrival, for use on the tables during the evening. Further chips may be purchased during the evening for those serious gamblers, or those sustaining heavy losses.

There will be 3 roulette wheels and 2 black jack tables, plus other sideline attractions and novelity gambling opportunities - including snail racing - to tempt you to part with your hard earned cash & chips. Experts will be on hand to guide you on how to play the tables.

Refreshments will be available from the bar. Tables close at 10:00

We hope you'll have an enjoyable evening and help us raise funds for the Burwell Carnival. Please note that unfortunately betting chips cannot be cashed-in at the end of the evening. However your gambling efforts will not go unrewarded, as there will be a range of prizes for successful punters.

Date: 16/11/2003 01:53:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
CRAFT FAIR. Sunday November 23rd at Burwell Village College. 10:30am-5pm. Admission £1 (accompanied under 14s free). Refreshments all day. Free parking. Ideal for Christmas gifts. To book a pitch for your own stall phone 01638 741928.
This is possibly our last Craft Fair for some time. After more than 10 years we are going to have a rest from holding craft fairs and concentrate on other ways to raise money for the Museum. We will miss them but we feel it's time to do something different.

Date: 10/26/2003 1:24:16 AM
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
26/10/03 Today (Sunday) is the last Sunday opening of the museum this year. Thursday (30th) is the last open day of this year.
The museum re-opens on Easter Sunday 2004.
Although the museum will be closed look out for various fund-raising events over the next few months including the Craft Fair in late November. More details about this and other events will be posted on our website and this notice board in due course.

Date: 07/10/2003 10:33:12
Name: Jayne Hoare
Email: jeh44-AT-cam.ac.uk
Sunny single furnished room available in modern house in Bayfield Drive (off Felsham Chase). Sharing with a female in her mid twenties, the house is centrally heated, has a large kitchen, garden, and off road parking. Available at a week's notice. £250 pcm plus bills and a month's rent is required as deposit.
Please contact Jayne on email or ring 01638 604242 in the evenings.

Date: 07/10/2003 09:43:49
Name: Burwell Toy Library
Email: whitesdie-AT-ntlworld.com
Own Url: www.burwelltoylibrary .co.uk
We are having a "B.O.G.O.F." (Buy one get one free)session on Thursday 23 October at our usual time 2-3.15pm at The Phoenix Room, Burwell Village College. Everyone is welcome! Come and have a look at what we do. Look at our website - www.burwelltoylibrary.co.uk - before you come.

Date: 26/09/2003 14:52:54
Name: Diane Sibley
Email: diane.sibley-AT-ntlworld.com
MATHS TUITION, upto GCSE level, avaliable in Burwell. If you are interested email me, or call on 01638 743190

Date: 10/09/2003 10:08:03
Name: Paul
Email: pdf_editor-AT-hotmail.com
I will produce and illustrate newsletters, forms, flyers, etc., and convert them to Adobe PDF for web and email distribution. All I require is 'your' text in Word, Notepad, email or similar. Format is UK A4 size to enable you to download the finished product from a web site and print at home. In addition, multi-page document 'bookmarking' for existing pdf documents to aid reader-navigation. Details: pdf_editor-AT-hotmail.com

Date: 01/09/2003 11:51:24
Name: Michelle Northfield
Email: michelle.northfield-AT-proquest.c
If anyone has seen a 2 year old female, ginger and white cat answering to the name of 'Gippie' please email me. Missing from the New Road, Exning area since 24th August, she is very affectionate and greatly missed. Thanks

Date: 31/08/2003 11:03:06
Name: Lee Shuman
Email: leeshuman-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: Ball Bible
Had a great time looking in the Balls Bible in South Africa which my brother bought and finding out about this family and places I had never heard of before.

Date: 20/08/2003 23:38:44
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The museum will be open 2-5pm this Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday. Although there will not be any Special Events, the weather forcast predicts a fine and sunny weekend. The fridge in the Museum Shop will be well stocked with cold drinks.
(The museum is due to be featured on Anglia News West this Thursday 6-6:30pm ITV1)

Date: 17/08/2003 03:30:07
Name: Tim
Email: ddtjm-AT-hunterlink.net.au
I would like to contact an old friend Stuart Prince whose family lived in Burwell when I visited there in 1974.
I met Stuart and his friend Paul Garrod when they were on a working holiday here in Australia. Hoping someone can put him in contact with me at the above email address. I remember Burwell as a great little place.

Date: 16/08/2003 01:12:03
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
SPECIAL EVENT DAY This Sunday (17/08/03) has a 1920s feel about it with displays and music from the decade. The blacksmith will be working in the Forge. Also the historical re-enactment group 'Venta Icenorum' will be appearing as Saxons.
(Unfortunately the steam roller and traction engine are unable to come this weekend but they will hopefully be coming later in the year.)

Date: 11/08/2003 23:26:12
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
ANGLIA TV FILMING. Anglia TV will be filming at Burwell Museum this Thursday (14th)for a short news piece about the museum to slot into the Anglia News West programme's "Unique Property" strand. The film crew would like to see plenty of visitors at the museum and intend speaking to some. The museum will be open as normal during the filming.
No date for broadcast has been given yet.

Date: 03/08/2003 23:45:29
Name: Andy
Email: andrussdav-AT-yahoo.com

Does anyone know if Jan and Graham Rogers still live in Burwell, I think they were at Hythe Lane.
Any info appreciated.

Andy Davies

Date: 26/07/2003 13:17:24
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Just a little reminder about the forthcoming Friends Fete. It will be held at the museum this Sunday (27th) during the regular opening hours (2-5pm). Expect to find many traditional stalls and games suitable for all the family. The Tea Stall will also be open.The Blacksmith will be working in the Forge. Admission to the fete and the museum will be free.

Date: 18/07/2003 22:09:21
Name: Graham Reeve
Email: graham.reeve-AT-ntlworld.com
Has anyone lost a young female cat in the Hythe Lane / Low Road area of Burwell? She is very friendly, probably about 1 year old and is white and tabby.
If you think that she may be yours (or you might know who she belongs to) please email me. Thanks.

Date: 18/06/2003 14:50:38
Name: lynne fearnley
Email: scarielle-AT-ntlworld.com
Experienced teacher/tutor (BA Hons English/French) offers: private English tuition for all levels and ages; guidance with academic assignments/dissertations in most subjects; general help and support for mature students returning to education and for excluded children; proofreading, editing and copywriting.

Date: 17/06/2003 10:11:28
Name: Jane Blunt
Email: fjb27-AT-phy.cam.ac.uk
Calling all past and present members of Burwell Judo Club.

The club is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year, and is holding a get-together on Saturday 28th June 2003 at 2.30 in the Gardiner Memorial Hall.

All past members (it doesn't matter how long or short a time you were a member) are warmly invited to the event.

Date: 13/06/2003 23:28:36
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Don't forget the Museums Fair, a special event about Museums and Heritage attractions in Cambridgeshire, at Burwell Museum this Sunday.
We are open from 11:00am to 5:00pm and admission is FREE (donations very welcome of course). Venta Icenorum (the historic re-enactments group) will also be at the Museum along with the Blacksmith.

Date: 05/06/2003 16:31:31
Name: Karina Shtopman
Email: kshtopman-AT-freeola.net
Own Url: www.safetyunlimited-ks.co.uk
Lovely & Lively site!
I am a Health & Safety Consultant for small to medium size local business, and would like to hear from anybody confused in the 'big black hole' of UK's Workplace Reg.
Offering POM (Peace Of Mind); Metropolis Service -AT- Rural Prices.

Date: 04/06/2003 14:47:35
Name: Kevin Burdett
Email: minister-AT-burwellbaptist.f9.co.
Own Url: www.burwellbaptistchurch.org.uk
Burwell Baptist Church are having a men`s breakfast at the Five Bells on Saturday 5th July, 8am. Speaker - Graham Locking, Chaplain to Racing Industry.
All-age worship & barbecue - Sunday 22nd June from 10.30am
Contact me for details

Date: 28/05/2003 14:13:36
Name: Sarah Hasler
Email: lara1064-AT-cambridge64.freeserve
Own Url: http://takeoff.to/webusersurvey
I feel proud to live in a community with such a user friendly website! I'm at Anglia Polytechnic University studying Computer Science and currently conducting research for my project and thought if I put a link on the community website I would attract people to fill in the questionaire on my website! If you have a few minutes please take a look, I'd be very grateful!

Date: 23/05/2003 21:51:20
Name: Andy
Email: andrew'davies-AT-ntlworld.com
Does anyone know if Jan and Graham Rogers still live in Burwell, I think they were at Hythe Lane.
Any info appreciated.

Date: 16/05/2003 22:57:47
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Pre-booked groups are very welcome at the museum. Full details are on the Groups Booking Form which is available by e-mail by sending us a blank message with "Groups Booking Form" in the subject line. The form will be sent as an attachment in PDF format(requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view). The form is also available by post from the Museum Chairman (see our website) and at the Museum itself. More information about the Museum, including how to get there, is available on our website.

Date: 13/05/2003 20:55:22
Name: neil
Email: http://www.burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwell.co.uk
Are you the next Sven Erickson? If so Burwell Swallows Girls Football team desperately need you! They have until the end of May to find a replacement coach. They are a great bunch of girls who love playing but without a coach the team has no future. If you could commit yourself most weeks to an evening training and a Saturday match, even if only for one season, then please get in touch.

Date: 8/5/ 2003 2:54:11 PM
Name: Matt Askham
Email: matt-AT-askham.co.uk
Own Url: www.askham.co.uk
Matt Askham is a graphic designer based in Burwell offering a full range of design and printing services. From a corporate logo and stationery set to brochures, advertising and exhibition graphics.

Date: 02/05/2003 15:42:58
Name: Discovering Burwell
Email: bnpl-AT-ntlworld.com
Discovering Burwell - a new book of village walks researched and compiled by members of Burwell History Society will be launched on Sunday 15 June at Burwell Museum's summer fair and open day.

Come along at 3pm to the launch and then get a taster of what's in the book by joining one of our free guided walks of some of the most interesting areas of our village.

Copies of the book will be on sale during the afternoon at £2-95 each. All proceeds from sales will go towards historical conservation projects in Burwell.

Date: 20/04/2003 11:40:00
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum re-opens today (Easter Sunday) at 2pm.
See our website or leaflet for details of what will be happening.

Date: 4/12/2003 11:18:02 PM
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Museum re-opens next Sunday.
We are short of Stewards for open days on the following dates : May 18th & 25th, June 29th, July 13th, 24th & 27th, August 17th & 24th, September 21st, 25th & 28th, October 12th & 23rd. If you can help or want to know what Stewarding involves please contact the Museum as soon as possible. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Phone 01638 605544. E-mail - click above.

Date: 4/10/2003 1:55:43 PM
Name: Mary Barnes
Email: mary.barnes-AT-opp-links.org.uk
The newly re-formed Burwell Players need actors and actresses of all shapes, sizes and age for forthcoming productions. We are also looking for musicians, singers and anyone interested in helping out backstage or front of house.

Please contact Carol Owen on 01638 741634 for further information.

Date: 4/8/2003 11:52:58 PM
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: burwellmuseum-AT-hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
We are always looking for willing volunteers to help with the physical, "behind the scenes" work at the Museum. This work can be almost anything including digging, painting, grass cutting etc.
If you would like to help just turn up on Tuesday evenings after 6:30pm or Sunday mornings after 10:30am (or both) and we'll find you a job! No specialist skills needed, just be prepared to get a bit mucky so bring your own old clothes or overalls.

Date: 4/7/2003 2:00:52 PM
Name: Meleena Thomas
Email: bluebell-design-AT-talk21.com
New garden design company in Burwell offering practical solutions to garden problems. Also offering garden maintenaince service from lawns to borders. Call Bluebell Garden Design on 01638 744154 or 07956 257511

Date: 3/28/2003 12:34:41 AM
Name: Jim Helm
Email: helmphoto-AT-msn.com
Own Url: www.helmphoto.com
I am trying to locate Wendy Casburn. Does anyone know if she still lives in Burwell? Wendy and I met while I was in the USAF stationed at RAF Mildendahll from 1968-1970. Also looking for my old friend Roger. Any information would be appreciated as I want to visit Burwell in 2004

Date: 3/1/2003 5:20:31 PM
Name: Beni
Email: benib-AT-cheerful.com
ROOM WITH A LOO - Burwell. Good-sized room with own loo. Friendly house / neurotic cat. Fully furnished. £250pcm + phone. Email or 07815 674139 :-)

Date: 12/5/2002 5:45:59 PM
Name: Richard Ward
Email: rwfus-AT-hotmail.com
Help Required.

I am undertaking some research into members of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers who died in the First World War. I am particularly interested in members of the Regiment who are buried in this county.

I know that an old RWF resident of Burwell who died during WW1 is buried in St Mary's. His name is Clifford Edward Bridgeman. I have a photo of his gravestone and also a photo of the plaque in the church in my files. I am trying to find more information about this man.

Is anyone able to shed any more light on this mans life and death ?

Any info gratefully received. Thanks.

Date: 7/2/2002 7:39:39 PM
Name: Alice Hall
Email: DHandAH-AT-aol.com
I am hoping that someone can help me find out the last name of the family that lived at
23 Martin Rd
Cambridge, England
in August, 1953 to April 1954. The lady named Laura was one of my grandmother's sisters. I just recently found two letters written by Laura, this is my first clue for any of my grandmother's relatives. I know nothing of the family except that Laura's maiden name was Holmes and there was another sister named Alice. Alice had a daughter whose name was Winifred. Winifred lived in a lodge in front of Gates (Cates?) of Scarboro Castle. My grandmother's name was Annie Isabel Holmes Lundstrom born Ferbruary 21, 1879 in England. Thank you in advance for your help.

Date: 5/14/2002 7:15:28 PM
Name: Tracy Barber
Email: Barbersinusa-AT-aol.com
Hi to everyone that knows me, yes its me Tracy writing from sunny america, we`ve been here for 2 years now, lived on melford close before that, I just want to say hello to Julie Hayes, Jackie Tweed, Tracy woodfield, Debbie, Emma, Liz,Amanda and a special hello to my best buddies Jane, Julia and Ali....and to everyone else who knows me, we`ll see you all very soon, to anyone who reads this and knows me, please write back, I`d love to hear from you all.
bye all. Tracy.

Date: 1/23/2002 6:19:22 PM
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: simon-AT-unicen.cam.ac.uk
Own Url: http://mysite.feeserve.com/burwell_museum
23/01/02 HELP WANTED! We need a sheep shearer for our special day on Sunday 2nd June. If you are a sheep shearer(or know of one)who is willing to demonstrate their skills(preferably free of charge to the museum)in front of an audience then please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Date: 1/5/2002 7:40:18 AM
Name: Friend
Email: Mirage-AT-aol.com or miragelv-AT-aol.com
Looking for the Turner's. Last known at 3 Ness Road. Old US GI friend is looking to say Hi. Are they (Keith,Audrey,Richard,Nicola) still living there? Please email.

Date: 1/2/2002 5:17:50 PM
Name: Crawford Reid
Email: crawford.reid-AT-ntlworld.com
Does anyone have an email address for Helen Robinson who lives in Burwell, she is 20 and at uni just now i think. If any one could help, it would be appreciated.

Date: 8/21/2001 2:46:23 PM
Name: Nina
Email: ninar69-AT-hotmail.com
On the off-chance, does anyone know where David & Jennie Pratt have recently moved to, they used to live on the High Street (No 60) and I believe they moved a couple of months ago?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Date: 8/11/2001 10:48:01 PM
Name: craft_links
Email: arty.buckets-AT-btinternet.com
Own Url: www.geocities.com/craft_links
Does anyone have any information on local craft fairs or want to find out if there are any local fairs. Please access the above site for more information.

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 at 18:44:20 (GMT)
Name: Sarah Hunt
Email: mailto:stephenh-AT-sands5.freeser
I'm writing on behalf of Heather Bates, Jenny Overy, Doreen Couch and Enid Suttle. The children's concerts are being revived. The concerts used to be produced by the 4 sisters and this year is no exception. A meeting is being held at Burwell Day centre on Saturday the 3rd of March between 10 and 12 am. Any children between 5 and 16 may attend. Great fun guarenteed!

Burwell at Large Poster
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Burwell Lode Bridge
Burwell - St Mary's Church
Burwell Windmill
Burwell Lode
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20mph Update Parish Council

UK's biggest solar farm approved for east of England (Click on image for larger version)
Proposed Solar Farm
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Millstone Park Housing Development
(350 new homes)
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BBC News
Council did not manage guided busway risk, judge told
A judge is told how a council prosecuted after accidents on a guided busway mismanaged risk.
Bus route change deprives villagers of 'lifeline'
An elderly man says it is now too far for him to walk to his nearest bus stop.
Council-owned flats need £1.3m spent on repairs
The cost of fixing structural and fabric defects was initially estimated at £800,000.
Waste offender to pay £280k over undeclared assets
Simon Mason was originally prosecuted in 2021 for illegally storing and burning waste in Holbeach.
Pub owners say plan for new homes is 'critical'
Councillors vote to defer a decision on housing development near a village pub.
Police end Balfour portrait damage investigation
Police say "a thorough investigation" has now been filed, pending any new information.
Drivers face bus gate fines from Thursday
Cambridgeshire County Council says enforcement will start and cameras are being turned on.
Former sheltered housing set to be knocked down
Cambridge City Council is hoping to redevelop Stanton House into "highly sustainable" council homes.
Hair found in water in 'no body' murder inquiry
Police are investigating the disappearance of Julie Buckley, who has not been seen since January.
Hopes East West Rail will accept land's new status
Farmland close to the planned line is made a County Wildlife Site to recognise its importance.
'Groundhog day' for villages fighting development
Residents fight the latest battle to stop big housing developments being built near two villages.

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