Cambridgeshire Music - Making music happen across the county
Cambridgeshire MusicCambridgeshire Music is the Music Service for the County coordinating provision of music education and arts therapies. We make high quality music happen all across Cambridgeshire for young people and families – both in and out of school.
Cambridgeshire Music Hub
Cambridgeshire Music HubCambridgeshire Music Education Hub (CMEH) is part of a network of hubs across the country working with partners to support the objectives of the National Plan for Music Education. The focus of the hub is to use available investment to:
1. Support schools to develop a strong curriculum and co-curricular provision for pupils.
2. Enable young musicians to progress in their areas of musical interest.
3. Develop partnerships with schools, providers and other organisations to increase the range of opportunities that can be provided across the County.